As A Matter of Fact, It Is Something In The Water

March 30, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I swear to my best curling iron that we ought to stand at the back door to the Texas Lege and hand out red rubber noses.

So last week they were discussing making it illegal to text while driving.  Because that kills people and not just the person texting.  Well, it passed but without the support of the three powerfully unfortunate-looking white boys from East Texas.

And why would they we opposed to this?  FREEDOM!

Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 8.00.58 AM“I view it as government overreach,” [Will] Metcalf said Friday. “What are we going to outlaw next — changing your radio station, taking a drink of water, adjusting (your air conditioning)?”

State Rep Mark Keough sees other problems.

Another consequence Keough worries about is how law enforcement will enforce the new law.

“While they’re driving, they will have to do the very thing they’re telling us not to do,” Keough said.

He said law enforcement personnel will have to take their eyes off the road to see whether drivers are using their mobile devices.

Which is also what they have to do to see if you’re speeding, running a red light, or driving while stoopid.  FREEDOM!

But, Keough has a solution.

Keough said he’d like to see a campaign similar to “Don’t Mess with Texas” that changes the culture of distracted driving.

Yeah, there is now zero, completely zero litter in Texas.  But we do have lots of FREEDOM!

Thanks to Gene for the heads up.

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