Arkansas State Police have an Excessive Force Problem

June 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Excessive Force

WARNING: These videos are violent and will upset some viewers.

A woman is suing an Arkansas State Police officer for intentionally flipping her SUV as she was seeking a safe place to pull off of the highway.  The woman, who was pregnant at the time, was being stopped for driving 14 miles over the speed limit.  When the officer turned on his lights and siren, you can clearly see her slow down, pull over and turn on her flashers (which is what the law requires in Arkansas).  The shoulder at their location was very narrow, and apparently she was driving to the next exit to be safe.  The officer, a Certified USDA Grade A DUMBASS, was having none of that, and performed what the cops call a “pit maneuver” which is code for running a car off the road.  He caused a massive crash, flipping the SUV.  For speeding 14 MILES OVER THE SPEED limit.  Fortunately, the woman walked away from the wreck and later had a healthy baby.  It could have been a lot worse.  AND, of course, the cop walked from any criminal charges including reckless endangerment.

Apparently, Arkansas has an epidemic of dumbass among its police forces.  Here’s another “pit maneuver” where a police cruiser flipped the pickup of a teenager fleeing police.  This maneuver ending up killing the teenager and seriously injuring the officer.  Use of this tactic has skyrocketed in recent years, and was used in Arkansas over 300 TIMES in 2020.  All I can say about that statistic is FFS.

We all know that cops LOVE high speed chases and demolition derbies, almost all of it unnecessary.  We now have these newfangled things called RADIOS, and 18,000 police departments around the country who have them in every car and on every officer’s shoulder.  Rather than all this Indianapolis 500, maybe the police can just call ahead so other officers can block the road or put out tire spikes.  How about just letting the driver go home and go arrest them there?

This kind of idiocy does two things – kills people, and erodes confidence in police.  When citizens see bad judgement like this in public, it not only makes the cops look like morons, it destroys the relationship between the police and the policed.  It’s simply got to stop.

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