Arkansas Border Patrol
Apparently the state of Arkansas has a border patrol all around the state ready to stop incoming former first ladies.
And I know that because…
Asked how [Hillary] Clinton would fare in Arkansas if she pursued the presidency in 2016, 2nd Congressional District chairman Johnny Rhoda told U.S. News, “She’d probably get shot at the state line.”
When a reporter noted that Clinton undoubtedly enjoys a measurable amount of support in a state where her husband served as governor, Rhoda replied, “Nobody has any affection for her. The majority don’t.”
However, Public Policy Polling says that Hillary is strong in Arkansas.
PPP’s newest Arkansas poll finds that the Clinton brand is still pretty strong in the state. Bill Clinton has a 55/37 favorability rating there, and Hillary Clinton leads all but one of the leading Republicans there in hypothetical 2016 match ups despite the state’s recent Republican lurch. Clinton leads Jeb Bush 46/41, Rand Paul 48/42, and Chris Christie 47/38.
You know who is not popular in Arkansas?
Johnny Rhoda.
I think maybe he’s driving a cab now because this is the latest picture of him I could find on Google.