Are You Sitting Down?

April 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You need to sit down because this will surely come as a great shock to you.  Turns out that Cliven Bundy is a big ole racist.

Cliven-BundyCliven Bundy worries about “the Negros.”  He once drove past a public housing project in North Las Vegas.  In that one moment, he became an expert on “the Negro.”  He says they rely on “government handouts” because “they never learned to pick cotton.”

“And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Yep, “the Negros” had more freedom as slaves.

Holy cow, politicians started running around so fast that they could have played pitcher and catcher at the same time.  Ho boy, Honey, they were making ruts in rock trying to get away.

Senator Rand Paul, bless that way too curly mess on his head, sent a spokesman out to say that he disagrees with “the racist statements.”  That leads me to suspect he didn’t know exactly what was racist about it.

And now comes the Texas part.  You knew there had to be a Texas part, right?  I mean, Texas never plays second string when it comes to honing in on the crazy.

Our GOP Gubernatorial candidate, Greg Abbott, jumped on the Bundy bandwagon early on, trying to bring it home to Texas in a phony made-up brawl.

The dispute spilled over this week into Texas, where Greg Abbott, the attorney general and a Republican running for governor, challenged the Bureau of Land Management on reports that it was looking to claim thousands of acres along the Red River.

Now Abbott is trying to escape by saying that his position had nothing to do with Cliven Bundy.  Yeah, well, it doesn’t now that Bundy kept the bark on the tree.  By tomorrow, Abbott will claim that he’s never even heard of Cliven Bundy and never mind about that land on the Red River.

Now, if you don’t need any more proof that this whole militia movement is about re-fighting the Civil War, you ain’t locked down good.   You just ain’t.

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0 Comments to “Are You Sitting Down?”

  1. Old Fart says:

    And these people didn’t see the other arguments coming about state’s rights?

    I seriously wonder how much support BunBun would’ve received if he wasn’t melanicly challenged.

  2. ‘Cause there isn’t anything more conducive to family life like someone selling off parts of your family.

    They sure can pick them.

  3. Sadly, once again, JJ you hit the proverbial nail, on its proverbial head.

    Those good ole boys who broke federal law by rushing to Nevada with their AR-15’s????
    My guess would be not too many from “up north”.

    And, my guess would also be that’s the reason there has been a lot of caution on dealing with this whole situation.
    NOTHING will be gained by people dying over this.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that Rupert Murdoch, and his minions at Faux would love to plunge this country into bloodshed over this “old fart” and his darned cows.

    There is also no doubt in my mind that cooler, and more sane heads will prevail, regarding this whole situation.

    Something will have to be done, I suspect because there are good, and decent ranchers out there who are paying their grazing fees. And, because there are less RWNJ gun-toting yahoos out there, than government lawyers, and federal judges, I think Mr Bundy may sooner, rather than later, find himself flat broke. without the pot (to piss in) …. or the window (to throw it out of)… JMHO.

  4. Mary Margaret says:

    I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I wonder when the undocumented immigrants will discover that they can live on BLM/Bundy land for free without fear of deportation by Border Patrol.

    Perhaps they will join in Bundy Fest!

  6. daChipster says:

    FOX News didn’t just double down on Cliven Bundy. They tripled, quadrupled and quintupled down on him.

    Now Murdoch, Ailes and especially Sean Hannity own this armed mess: lock, stock and perforated barrel.

    How did this happen? Well, let’s begin with the fact that while a vast majority of Americans think Bundy is nuts, a vast majority of FOX viewers don’t. So this whole “patriots versus the evil empire” meme was red meat to the viewer base.

    Second, as far as Bundy waxing nostalgic over the good old days of cotton-pickin’ pickaninnies, it’s important to remember that, as odious as these sentiments sound, the Sean Hannitys of this world DON’T DISAGREE!

    The Hannitys and Bundys are comfortable with each other because they share all these views in common. What FOX missed, the big fat white elephant in the room, is that Cliven never learned how to dog whistle.

    Bundy has now left his pile of white elephant dung burning on FOX’s doorstep, which will enable people to start talking boycott of Hannity’s advertisers. I predict that FOX will try to walk it back. But any “apology” will just be another subordinate clause prior to reinforcing the base memes along the lines of: “Clearly what Mr. Bundy said was wrong, but #sorrynotsorry”

    Meanwhile, as far as Bundy goes, he has only confirmed the beliefs of everyone who either agrees or disagrees with him. His language has outrun his support a little, but this is by no means a bridge too far for them. So, there is still more Cliven to come.

    I can’t wait until this walking reductio ad absurdum gets really cooking!

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    The militia movement folks stand somewhere between the Wallace Democrats who moved to the GOP in 1980 and the Ku Klux Klan. They are not as violent as Klan members but also less honest.

  8. Wyatt_earl says:

    Let’s all keep in mind that the State of Nevada has ZERO rights to this land. It used to belong to Spain, who sold it to the United States of America.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cliven Bundy is clearly a racist. In addition, he’s a member of the fringe FLDS sect that hides in parts of Texas and the AZ/NV/UT tri-state area.

    Animal husbandry is not a science Cliven practices on the ranch. The confused old coot reserved that for his wife and their 14 former tax deductions.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I just looked it up. The Mormon Church did not give up their “Curse of Ham” mythology (Black skin is a curse from God) until 1978.

    Mr. Bundy is a part of a tradition that dates back to Noah.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ralph Wiggam, there is LDS, then there is FLDS. Bundy belongs to the latter. The LDS agreed to make certain changes to achieve statehood for Utah. The Mormon Church of the Latter Day Saints is not affiliated with the FLDS, a fringe group of fundamentalists known for hiding out in small desert town in AZ, NV and UT.

    Remember Willie Barlow in Texas?

    There have also been indications these cults have ranged as far north as Canada.

  12. Not at all surprised.

  13. Heard a rumor that STraw Man was going to hold its yearly festival right across the road from Bundy’s front door. Snce I cannot attend, I would appreciate some live reporting from that particular event! And pix of Bundy’s face! I bet his jaw drops so low I could see his fillings — all of hem!

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    FLDS may not admit affiliation with LDS, but their parentage is obvious.

  15. LDS FLDS – doesn’t much matter since old Clive has enough children to assure himself his own planet heaven. We taxpayers are supporting all those children who were born into a FLDS “marriage” and then divorced. The checks for dependent children go to the mothers who deliver them to the dominant male in their pack. We need to stop this nonsense. We are supporting them with our taxes.

  16. To Wyatt_earl

    Actually before Spain “owned” it the Indians lived there. Of course, according to a Supreme Court decision that allowed the US government to take the land from them farther east, the Indians occupied the land but did not own it. I still wonder how it was justified, but probably was like some more recent ones like the 2000 election or the decisions that are allowing money to rule elections, it made sense to those who benefited.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    The Confederate flag has never stood for liberty and justice for all. It has always stood for racism and the defense of slavery. It has always stood for armed rebellion against lawful authority–and specifically, against the United States.

    Bundy is a traitor and a racist and so are his backers. I don’t give a flip whether he’s a racist because he learned it in his church, or somewhere else, or just thought it up in his own warped mind…I DO care that he’s still running around loose and so are those other armed traitors.

    It’s a nice thought that nothing will be gained by bloodshed…but it’s also wishful thinking IMO. Bundy and his backers don’t want a peaceful resolution. They want victory, and they want a chance to shoot ’em up and prove they’re heroes. You can’t get to peace when one side wants war bad enough, and these people do. They have the terrorist mentality. They will keep pushing the boundaries until they get it. They will not quit thinking they can _win_ the war they want until they’ve had a taste of the real thing, and maybe not then.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sorry, Ralph Wiggam and June Bug for creating more confusion than clarity with my statements. The distinction I was trying to make is that LDS are mainstream Christians who can be very good neighbors. While the FLDS are the hide in the desert tax takers like Cliven, who I don’t appreciate having within shooting distance of my property.

    Most of the Mormons I know self-describe as ‘Jack Mormons.’ They don’t buy into much mainstream Christianity of any flavor, much less the fringe cults.

  19. daChipster says:

    PKM – I take issue with Mormons being “mainstream” Christians. This is a meme fostered by LDS politicians on the Right. They believe that Elohim, their version of God the Father, was just a regular guy on “an earth” not THE Earth, who was the bestest possible Mormon he could be and was rewarded with godhood and his own Earth to play with.

    There he actually physically impregnated Mary with Jesus, a different person than himself who also became a god. And he also impregnated someone else with Jeus’ half-brother, Lucifer.

    So God the Father did not create the Universe, but is actually an alien, and the Trinity is not 3 persons in 1 god, but three different gods.

    Now, is any of this truer or falser than garden-variety Christianity? No, they – and all religions – are all hierarchies of power based on implausible mythology preying on the credulous.

    But for the purposes of political punditry, Mormonism and its cosmology – which was LITERALLY pulled out of a hat – are further from Christianity than Judaism or even Islam.

  20. Yeeaas… I have often driven by a large ranch in Nevada, where a man allows his cattle to roam and graze free gubmint grasslands, and thought, wouldn’t this gubmint freeloader be better off, if instead of relying on someone else to support him and feed his cattle, if he could contribute in some way? Perhaps as a valuable worker for a large corporate mine, digging uranium out of the ground with a pick ‘n an axe… Or better yet, an independent contractor with his own privately purchased pick ‘n axe, less gubmint safety regulations impeding where he can work and how much rads & rems he can be exposed to cause it’s none of their godhooverdam business.

  21. Several questions. ( I thought last week I was done with this fool).

    (A) Elizabeth….. I don’t disagree with what you have written. I do think the only people who would benefit by bloodshed would be Faux…. which is pushing this thing to the limit. Makes for good ratings, I guess.

    (B) Does anybody think that it has ever occurred to this pea brain, who is ripping off the federal government …. right and left……. that “the Negro” ….. can also become The President of these United States of America…. by working hard, going to school, including college (attending Harvard), learning law, and being elected to the U.S. Senate, and being not just elected….. but re-elected U. S. President….????

    (C) Da Chipster. Everything you wrote about Faux News is probably true. I don’t watch them so I don’t know who their advertisers might be. If somebody can furnish that information, I’d love to know…… who not to spend my money with.

  22. VintageMomma says:

    Have you seen the Hate Groups Map on the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center? These knuckle-draggers hide under all kinds of names – same slime, different logos.

  23. I would suggest Mr. Bundy read “Twelve Years a Slave”
    by Solomon Northup, but that’s under the assumption he is, indeed, literate. Which I doubt.

  24. These militia people are like this guy I am engaged in a discussion with on Facebook today. I sent him a link to a study on who pays taxes and who doesn’t and 30 seconds later he declares the study biased because it doesn’t agree with the voices in his head.

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’m afraid we can’t get through the brick wall of ignorance these types are building around themselves. There’s nothing more dangerous than stupid people with guns!

  25. Don’t forget to pencil in a visit to BundyFest Sept 5th – Oct 5th!
    240 bands! No rules, no sanitation facilities! Right across from Bundy ranch on non BLM regulated land (according to Bundy).
    (Warning: one expletive for those with sensitive ears)

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Hooboy. I am definitely staying home or else in the east this fall. Thanks to all for a fascinating discussion.

  27. The entertaining part of all this is that guys like Bundy (and Cruz and Lee and DeLay and Gohmert and Abbott and so on and so forth) talk this way all the time. When caught saying it into a microphone they’re always SHOCKED that someone, especially The Negroes, are offended. See “legitimate rape”, “let’s keep the White House white”, “second amendment rights”, “cotton picker”, etc.

  28. UmptyDump says:

    Well, once again a “Republican Darling of the Week” has overspoke himself and put the party’s ass in a crack!

  29. Corinne Sabo says:

    When did he learn to pick cotton? He steals from the government; I guess that isn’t a hand out, more like theft.

  30. Bundy is a racist. Hannity is a racist. Fox News is racist. No surprise in any of that.

  31. Ralph Wiggam says:

    @PKM, mainstream Christianity gave up it’s racial superiority myths long before 1978

  32. cairocat says:

    A little side bar humor I think Salonistas will enjoy: this is a quote from apocryphal letter written by a title attorney:

    Your letter regarding title in Case No. 189156 has been received. I note that you wish to have title extended further than the 194 years covered by the present application…. Louisiana was purchased by the U.S. from France in 1803….[T]he title to the land prior to U.S. ownership was obtained from France, which had acquired it by Right of Conquest from Spain. The land came into possession of Spain by Right of Discovery made in the year 1492 by a sea captain named Christopher Columbus, who had been granted the privilege of seeking a new route to India by the then reigning monarch, Isabelle. The good queen, being a pious woman and careful about titles…took the precaution of securing the blessing of the Pope before she sold her jewels to fund Columbus’ expedition. Now the Pope is the emissary of Jesus Christ, the Son of God [a]nd God, it is commonly accepted, created this world. Therefore, I believe it is safe to presume that He also made that part of the world called Louisiana. He, therefore, would be the owner of origin. I hope to hell you find His original claim to be satisfactory.

  33. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ralph Wiggam, maybe I should have used established, not mainstream. Fact is I respect the freedom of religions, as well as our freedom from religion.

    Interesting that Sen Harry Reid, who is incidentally LDS, was one of the first to state that Cliven Bundy is a domestic terrorist. Being from NV, Sen Reid knows these RWNJ FLDS types and their mooching ways all too well.

    Just hope things don’t get out of hand here over the long hot summer. Our crazies tend to become even more crazy with the heat.

  34. donquijoterocket says:

    I’d suggest the Latter Day Saints would never have given up their Sons of Ham mythology stance had it not made recruiting for the Brigham Young University athletic programs much more difficult.

  35. daChipster says:

    Thus spake Hannity, today:

    “His comments are beyond repugnant to me,” Hannity said of Bundy’s remarks. “They are beyond despicable to me. They are beyond ignorant to me.”

    While distancing himself from the racist remarks, Hannity still argued that the way federal agents had tried to seize Bundy’s cattle was wrong. The host stressed that he has been, and will continue to be, opposed to “government overreach.”

    Hannity said he was angry Thursday because people who “for the right reasons saw this case as government overreach now are like branded because of the ignorant, racist, repugnant, despicable comments .”

    So #sorrybutnotsorry….Nailed it!

  36. Too bad Cliven Bundy didn’t make his racist comments on Monday. Any Fox News reporters in Boston certainly would have won the 2014 Marathon at the rate they are running from Bundy’s comments. And they could have covered themselves winning the race!

  37. Evidently a lot of you missed the blessing by an old drooling Billy Graham, saying the LDS are Christians just like the Baptists et al. They removed the reference of te morons being a cult from their website, saying it was a clerical error. Course this only happened when Mitt showed up with a ” Love Offering” for Franklin, who then wheeled daddy out for a photo op. It’s the LDS that doesn’t recognize the federal govt, remember they have declared war against the US twice. Some of you might ask your relatives in Missouri about that.
    Mainstream has no meaning anymore.

  38. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ping, p-ying, ping. Jon Stewart will so pown Ham Sandwich Hannity tonight. Sorry Sean, no crow for you, you’ll be served your very own day old “crickets.”

    Bets on whether Jon or Stephen Colbert have the fun with Dana Loesch and her, “Secondly, I hope no one is surprised that an old man rancher isn’t media trained to express himself perfectly.”

    Way to go Dana, in a sentence you managed to insult your “hero” Cliven and quite a few older gentleman ranchers I know who think you are probably dumber than Cliven.

    Aw, but maybe if you ask nice, Dana, you can prevent any violence. Tell Cliven it’s his patriotic duty to pay up a range fee levied by your patron saint Ronnie Rayguns. You too, Sean. Help Cliven out and explain to him he can pay in the name of Reagan.

  39. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    donquijoterocket, Brigham Young and athletics was a second thought to the LDS. (Much like Notre Dame, athletics and religion met their Priest sins, not) The LDS surrendered the old Joe Smith junk to become a state. And, fwiw, the LDS are evolving, sometimes slower than Catholics or Protestants, or not. It’s not about religion with the FLDS types like Bundy. With them it is about staying outside the law. F=fundamentalist, while in some of the other extreme factions, the C=Dominionionists, like Bush2 and Santorum.

    As abhorrent as Bundy’s comments on race have been, he is still a tax taker, range destroying criminal. While the cattle are a problem, it is nothing in comparison to what FLDS criminals do to women and children. It’s not about the religion they hide behind. It’s about the crimes they commit.

    Bundy threw out both red meat and a red herring. He’d be happier, if the world thought him a racist than know what is happening in his compound.

  40. This clown has a hell of a nerve criticizing other people for taking a government subsidy. He’d be a welfare rancher sucking down a subsidy except that he’d rather STEAL grazing instead of paying the government’s little bitty fee. (I think it’s about $1.25 a month for a cow and calf– try getting hay for that price.)

  41. Angelo_Frank says:

    Andy Borowitz:

    Republicans Blast Nevada Rancher for Failing to Use Commonly Accepted Racial Code Words
