Are We Real Sure This Isn’t The Adult Edition
The Big Coloring Book Company chose Veteran’s Day to release Edition Two of Worship at The Feet of Ted Cruz.
No, Ted Cruz never served in the military.
Little known fact: he also cannot fly and looks unforgivably silly in tights.
No, this really is a thing.
They say it’s for children but I don’t believe that. Ted’s face would frighten children.
Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.
Was just gonna send this to Juanitajean. Here is the US News report:
1This would make a great appetite suppressant during the holidays. It must be used carefully though or friends might hold an intervention thinking you’re bulimic.
2“Back by popular demand.” Let’s let that company know that there are thousands of us who don’t think this charlatan should be fed as a hero to children. Give it your review.
Just because they deserve to be told what you think….. 🙂
5I just threw up. Thanks
Thanks. I now have a brain cell forever corrupted by the image of Canadian Ted in tights. I just threw up in my mouth a little. Yuck.
6I hesitate, but must ask…seems to me this is a major insult to the intelligence of El Duce’s-excuse me, Teddy’s support team.
7Is it for the Alzheimer’s groups to play with, or other (supporters of McCain, Palin, Bachman, etc.) mental illness sufferers, maybe old ladies who like men in tights (eek, bag over his head needed!). I cannot imagine the target group, my young grandchildren get bored with such huge areas to fill in, and would want unicorns, fairies or fairy tale heroes instead of a dopey looking guy…a talking raccoon from “Guardians of the Galaxy” would at least be fun when you are finished. Has me shaking my head at the difference between R’s (literalist, no sense of humor) and D’s (understands metaphors and Usually funny). Sigh. If you gave one of these “books” to a child, I would consider it abuse, if to an adult, I would wonder at the mental capacity of both recipient and giver.
Everyone, By all means take a minute and contact and let them know this is
8pornographic and borderline child abuse. I just did and
feel much better now.
Way to go, Mark. As for Brian’s comment that I seek to brainwash children to my way of thinking: I would refer you to to see how Mr. Cruz spews misinformation and outright lies to inspire fear in the elderly, the disabled and just about anyone affected by the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s attempts to help veterans, create jobs to rebuild infrastructure, keep the Internet available to all at reasonable prices, create a comprehensive immigration policy, pass laws to
9give equal pay to women etc. Holding up this grandstanding misinformer as a hero to children is tantamount to abuse.
Children should be given true heroes and heroines to admire,
not a grandstander who worked to shut down our government and threw away 24 billion dollars.
@maryelle.. I suspect you didn’t understand my comment. I posted their e-mail address so that others could send them scathing comments similar to the one they received from me….
10Teddy appears to me to be having a real God complex … Teddy coming to Save America … yeah, right!!
He’s such a pitiful waste of whatever load of crap he’s made up of and he’s just trying to share it with the world!! Only poor Repuke or TeaBagger kids will have the misfortune of receiving one of these waste of some trees!!
11How is this real?
In the first picture, is he punching us in the face?
12Big Coloring Book obviously does not realize that many children would put glue on El Cruz-o and then plaster him with glitter!!! Frankly, it couldn’t happen to a better whatever he is. All he would need is a wand in his hand and a unicorn snorting nearby.
13Faster than sleeping Gohmert.
More powerful than a leaky Boehner.
Able to leap logical fallacies in a single bound!
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a turd! It’s a pain!
Yes, it’s UBER-TED!
Strange immigrant from a foreign country
Who came to America with powers and abilities far below those of mortal men.
UBER-TED, who can shape the course of Republican obstructionism, shut down government with his well-manicured hands,
And who, disguised as Ted Cruz, egomaniacal Senator from a state which has already suffered enough…
Fights a never-ending battle for Lies, Injustice, and a reactionary caricature of the American Way!
14Shouldn’t they have come out with one, “Ted Saves Canada” first?
I’m just sayin’.
15Brilliant marketing scheme by the Big Coloring Book Company! Absolutely brilliant.
16Now the business is the talk of the town, its name brand recognition has gone from zero to a gazillion.
I wonder how many visits their website will get today? How many companies will get custom coloring books as promotional material, when the didn’t even think of doing that in the past?
Publicity stunt, plain and simple, and it worked beyond brilliantly!
Did you ever wonder how the winners of the Super Bowl get those “Super Bowl XXVIVQX Champions” hats and tees on so quickly right after the game? They’re printed up in advance for both teams, then the losing team’s apparel is donated to remote villages in Africa, where people are grateful to receive a colorful shirt.
I think this coloring book is like that, but less. You have to add the color.
17D.R., coming from Daffy Cruz, Jr., it’s probably a gohmert punch.
Anyone have Mitch McConnell’s campaign account number? I’d like to send him a pallet load billed to his own dime.
18This will soon be declared a text book for all Texas schools!
20RE: “leaky Boehner”
One should seek medical advice for all instances of a “leaky Boehner”.
I wonder what Senator “Ted Cruz” ‘s real name is, since apparently “Ted Cruz” is a pseudonym or a nom-de-superhero or something . . .
21As a very general rule, Democrats are children at heart and Republicans are children at brain.
22Brainwashing their children.
23da Chipster’s comment had me roaring with laughter. (BTW, even George Reeves was more believable as a super hero.) There is not enough brain bleach in the universe to rid me of the image of Ted in tights. Yuck!
24@LynnN: perfect.
25Oh, man. I think I just threw up what I ate yesterday, and am empty down to my socks. Please don’t spring anything like that on us again, JJ.
26Zyxomma and LynnN: Republicans are arrested development at the zygote stage or before. FIFY
27Marge Wood, can we use this bumper sticker: “Republicans are blastocysts without ballast”?
28What the [string of words I can’t use here] has that [redacted] ever done that deserves the word “hero?” Has he gone into burning buildings to save trapped children? No. Has he crawled under wrecked trucks to see if the person trapped there is alive and render aid if so? No. Has he done ANYTHING dangerous to help someone else? We know he wasn’t in the military. Wasn’t a fireman, wasn’t a policeman, wasn’t the ordinary guy who jumps in a flood to save someone else, or puts his body between a tornado’s rage and schoolchildren, like that teacher.
I’ve got a list of heroes longer than both arms, and they aren’t all big strong guys with jutting jaws, and they haven’t even all been military. I include one little old lady here in town who did something terribly brave for her (though for most of us it would’ve been easy), the telephone lineman who keeps holding the communications together even though he’s overworked and aging, until his body gives out completely…and so on. But Ted Cruz? What has he EVER done but serve his own ego?
29PKM, you can use whatever you want on your bumper sticker. Personally, I think we oughta come up with our own color books to hand out at the public library etc. Teachers are always looking for freebies. Let’s put together a good, truthful, silly color book with jokes and facts in it. I’m serious. We need an organizer and some artists/photographers and a formatter and a book designer. Create Space would print and bind it for free or very cheap. Most folks really don’t understand how the gummint works. We don’t even have to make fun of Gohmert or Cruz to do it. What do you think?
30p.s. I’d give blank paper to a kid before I’d give him one of those color books. MaTter of fact I’d probably give the kid blank paper anyway just on general principles. Besides, I looked up “color books about government”. Other than the fact than several of us could do something really niftier than most of what they are giving away, there are lots and lots of free and cheap stuff available. Let’s go back to making bumper stickers.
31My dream bumper sticker for 2015: “Don’t Blame Me! I voted Democrat”
32Why is Ted yellow? Is he trying to impersonate one of the Simpsons?
33@Micr: I like your idea. How about a “Don’t Blame Me! I didn’t vote for him!” sticker. Anyone who is curious will ask and then you can have a discussion….8-)
34This ISN’T a joke? Not The Onion? Andy Borowitz? It’s real? No kidding? Jeez…
35OMG. The link says one page is a pic of Cruz riding an eagle and brandishing a gun. Nice images for young kids. And “Releasing the book and supplement on Veterans’ Day corresponds with 2nd Amendment values.” I want to challenge them to Rethugsplain how war between nations, and veterans thereof, are related to the 2nd Amendment.
Well, anyway, thanks, JJ. I needed a new collection of disposable backgrounds for my dart board.
36Cruz found a great grift here. The RWNJs will put it on the best seller list “just to piss off the libs”
Mooselini really should be watching this guy to see how it’s done.
37BBe careful if you see “Ted” Cruz flying overhead! He likes to crap on the Constitution.