AP: Trump has set up “Tender Age” Shelters for Babies Ripped from Immigrant Mothers’ Arms

June 19, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

FFS.  Word is now finally getting out that HUNDREDS of now termed “tender age”  children are being housed in multiple undisclosed, locations.  These babies, and younger girls, are being held, gestapo style, in secret locations, conditions unknown, identification of detainees unknown.

Let’s make sure everyone gets it…Trump – this disgusting sumbitch, has ripped unknown numbers of unidentified children from unknown mothers, held in unknown locations.  Welcome to the destruction of morality and decency in America.


Call your congressvarmint. Demand a halt to this immoral and illegal action by your government.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  Enough is enough.  There is a place for anger.  and THIS is it!

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