Anything To Get Attention
There are all manner of freaky people who will do anything to make a helluva mess. And most of them are Tea Party members.
They generally start with emails to scare crap outta very ignorant people. And most of them are Tea Party members.
Like this one that went around in Texas … Mostly to Tea Party members.
(Click the little one to get the big one.)
Here ya go to the website that features it. It’s called “The Tea Party Command Center.” They are very upset about something called Cscope. They claim that Cscope has a pro-Islam bias.
So, they get upset. Not upset enough to find out what Cscope is, of course. But upset enough to go to the school board meeting and be outraged. Remember what I’ve told you before: outrage passes for foreplay in most Republican homes.
Texas has the most conservative rightwing hate-filled outraged school board in the written history of mankind. Every time they meet, the angels and Galileo weep.
But these people are just certain that Cscope is a Marxist pro-Islam anti-Limbaugh conspiracy.
Well, not so much.
The school district let some very conservative Glen Beck watching people investigate and they found:
The upshot of the investigation:
– Christianity got twice as much attention in the curriculum as any other religion. Islam was a distant second.
– The Red Crescent and Boston Tea Party reference mentioned in the email were nowhere in CSCOPE’s curriculum, although they may have been in the past.
– If there was any Islamic bias in CSCOPE it was “bias against radical Islam.”
Well, I hope these old Tea Party people got laid so all that outrage wasn’t totally wasted.
Thanks to Warner for the heads up.