Anything To Get Attention

December 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There are all manner of freaky people who will do anything to make a helluva mess.  And most of them are Tea Party members.

They generally start with emails to scare crap outta very ignorant people.  And most of them are Tea Party members.

Like this one that went around in Texas … Mostly to Tea Party members.

(Click the little one to get the big one.)

Here ya go to the website that features it.   It’s called “The Tea Party Command Center.”  They are very upset about something called Cscope.  They claim that Cscope has a pro-Islam bias.

So, they get upset.  Not upset enough to find out what Cscope is, of course.  But upset enough to go to the school board meeting and be outraged.  Remember what I’ve told you before:  outrage passes for foreplay in most Republican homes.

Texas has the most conservative rightwing hate-filled outraged school board in the written history of mankind.  Every time they meet, the angels and Galileo weep.

But these people are just certain that Cscope is a Marxist pro-Islam anti-Limbaugh  conspiracy.

Well, not so much.

The school district let some very conservative Glen Beck watching people investigate and they found:

The upshot of the investigation:

– Christianity got twice as much attention in the curriculum as any other religion. Islam was a distant second.

– The Red Crescent and Boston Tea Party reference mentioned in the email were nowhere in CSCOPE’s curriculum, although they may have been in the past.

– If there was any Islamic bias in CSCOPE it was “bias against radical Islam.”

Well, I hope these old Tea Party people got laid so all that outrage wasn’t totally wasted.

Thanks to Warner for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Anything To Get Attention”

  1. When I was a kid (many years ago), my sisters had tea parties all the time. Since Mom wouldn’t allow them hot water or tea bags they had to pretend. Maybe the tea baggers are having trouble with the reality that they can’t be trusted with hot water or teabags. Judging by what they say, maybe sharp objects should be added to the list.

  2. I don’t give a (Momma you don’t want to read this.) rat’s ass if they did, or did not get laid.

    I’m so damned sick and tired of school kids in Texas being “victims” of this stuff.

    Kids go to school to learn about all kinds of things. The Constitution, what America is all about. The Bill of Rights. They are sent to school to learn. All kinds of things. Not to be “indoctrinated.”

    Teach our kids….. how to read, write, and most of all….. how to think for themselves……. Someday….. they will have to do that……

    They should know how NOT to make babies. They should know how to MAKE a budget. They should know where foreign countries are…….. (especially if we are sending our young men and women over there to fight). They should know ….. most of all……. enough knowledge, that will get them a job ….. that pays them a living wage.

    Religion…… let them figure it out for themselves.

  3. But the real question is, after reviewing the actual Cscope material, and having their sharia-law conspiracy theory blown to smithereens, did they change their minds? did they throw aside their conspiracy theory? did they, you know, LEARN from this experience?

    If the last four years have been any indication, that would be a big, fat NOPE! They’ll probably work out a way to interpret the evidence of their foolishness as further evidence of the vast conspiracy against True ‘Merikuns.

    *head slap*

  4. Shucks! I bet they really do believe that rain makes applesauce! Wouldn’t surprise me one bit!

  5. Get lots of popcorn. This legislative session is going to be fun. The Tea Party and the Eagle Forum are off looking under beds for Muslims and they found out Grover married one. The Cosmos Foundation has hired Karen Hughes to get them Texas school bond funding.

    With a new enemy the Tea Party might not have time to be fussing at the POTUS all day, every day. A silver lining.

  6. austinhatlady says:

    Since I live in and pay property taxes in the “Peoples Republic of Austin,’ I checked whether the socialist school system here is listed as utilizing that suspect curriculum. Surprise! It’s not. The Austin Peace School, a “nationally accredited, full-time Islamic school” in Austin does use it.

    And I just saw Chris Matthews report on this.

  7. @UncleBill, I disagree. I think they should be given all the hot water, tea bags and sharp objects they want.

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    Think those idiots have ever watched Al Jazeera?

  9. Sharp objects? If you give one of these morons a rubber ball, they’d probably swallow it. And small loss to the rest of us.

  10. CScope is a disaster in itself, but I’ve never seen a pro-Islam focus. It is a canned curriculum riddled with errors. Most teachers hate it but it seems to have gotten a hold on most districts. If you’re an experienced teacher who voices opposition, you’re considered resistant to change and not “fresh” like the young ones right out of college.

    I could go on and on about this debacle. 🙁

  11. Steven Hernandez says:

    That’s a lot of smoke covering up something but as is always the case it isn’t what you think. The real concern isn’t about Sharia law or Tea Baggers teabaggin each other. The real concern should be about Cscope and how it is utilized in this state. Cscope is a tool, not unlike a screwdriver or a wrench in your average toolbox. But what many districts in Texas are doing is turning a tool into the toolbox. They are changing Cscope into the curiculum for their district instead of the educational aide it was designed to be. Why would this occur? I think it is part of the dumbing down of education in this state. Mark my words, it will not be long till a highschool graduate is given lesson plans (down to scripts for classroom presentation) and professional teachers will be regulated to the dustbin of Republican educational obsolesence.

  12. Remember this is part of the Texas Republican’s official platform: “Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.”

    They’re just preaching what they practice.

  13. Good gravy~Sure am glad I don’t have a kid in school these days – my daughter is a schoolteacher in Louisiana – it is her turn to fight this crap~

    Miemaw, THANK YOU for saying it all PERFECTLY and Happy Ho Ho to everyone~
