Anybody Got Connections?

April 26, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this morning I read in Rolling Stone that Fox News might be foxier than we suspected.



It’s supposed to be all this secret nasty stuff about Tucker but, Honey, it ain’t no secret.  His former producer Abby Grossman is suing him and she says …

Grossberg “continued to endure a work environment that subjugates women based on vile sexist stereotypes, typecasts religious minorities and belittles their traditions, and demonstrates little to no regard for those suffering from mental illness. Fox denied the allegations when the lawsuit was filed, saying the claims were “without merit.”

Honey, I watched him on Crossfire and he was all those things even decades ago.

But if there is a secret file, I wouldn’t mind reading it.


0 Comments to “Anybody Got Connections?”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    I think they may have a file, but also a non-compete agreement. Hopefully, in a few years we will never hear his name again!

  2. The Faux Nooze on-air female stereotypes were quite obvious to its’ tv audience: Young, 20-somethings, buxom peroxide blondes with heavy makeup and of course, a large cross around their necks.

    As for Tucker, may he live interesting times…soon.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Love to see them eat each other especially if other heads roll. They’re all vindictive. I’m guessing many fux news mouths have dirt on each other including old man Rupert, so this should be entertaining if there are any lawsuits. Wonder if the tuckster got any payout from his contract.

  4. Nick Carraway says:

    You have to love watching conservatives eat their own.

  5. Nick, or hear them eat their own. Cannot possibly forget the flaming air waves on the little radio I had in my office the day Newtie Gingrich got it hot and heavy from people who had believed his prophesies about taking over the House etc. etc. This damn stuff went on forever! there were so many people – 99% men – lined up to verbally kick his butt!

  6. Nick Carraway @4, Urrk, that’s like seeing a mangy dog eat a pile of cat shit…

  7. Nick Carraway says:

    You have a point there Sandridge. Maybe just hear about them doing it then rather than watch the act. I still remember St. Ronnie’s 11th commandment “no Republican shall speak ill of another Republican.” It’s been a long time since them days.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I can’t imagine there’s any disgusting thing about Carlson we don’t already know. As for Murdoch keeping control of his underlings through blackmail — that I can easily imagine.
