Anybody Else Watching the Benghazi Hearing?

October 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I didn’t watch the OJ trial but I am watching this off and on.

Sometimes I get so mad, I have to walk away before my hair catches on fire.

I do have NERF balls to throw at the teevee.

I never make fun of someone’s personal appearance unless it is perfectly obvious that they are doing something to make themselves look weird.  Trey Gowdy.

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Who does his hair?  Why do they hate him?


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0 Comments to “Anybody Else Watching the Benghazi Hearing?”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    How did Trey Gowdy pass a bar exam anywhere without having a fleeting glimpse of a clue as to the meaning of ‘asked and answered’?

    Actually his hair is fine. really. But the landscape below it defies any attempt at grooming. Forceps birth in a cattle barn?

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Watch all witch-hunting wingnuts closely. Their heads will explode and then they will self-immolate because there is no there there in these wasted tax-payer funded witch hunts.

  3. I think that his hair is trying to escape.

  4. No to Bengazi and no to O.J. except when they had it blaring from every stupid t.v. set in every stupid airport in the country. There was no way to get away from that circus.

  5. DaddyWasATexan says:

    You know, back here in Appalachia, someone with that head shape would be strongly suspected of being a wickerbill. Of course, I’d still have to check his feet, but the lack of intellect is there, too.

  6. Larry from Colorado says:

    I know several six year olds with the same hair style. What’s wrong with it. It goes along with his mental capacity.

  7. I call him Zippy The Pinhead.

  8. Not watching the witch hunt, but I recall one of my favorite JJ comments about some female right-winger: “A woman so ugly she makes your clothes wrinkle if she walks past you, and trust me, a woman cannot look that ugly by accident.”

  9. says:

    Yes, I’m watching and I am disgusted with the GOP interrogators here. They definitely have an agenda to destroy Clinton. Thank goodness the Democratic members of this investigation are fighting back. This is a total travesty!

  10. Like a lot of folks, I’m also watching….. off and on.

    One thing that has impressed me… the questions of a Democrat congressman from Washington. (Smith), I believe.

    About the actions of Congress (especially the House), and the dysfunction of Congress. Nobody (Bureau and/or Department Heads), who has to beg for money for money from these people, and allocate where it goes…..knows from one day to the next…. if there will or will not be funds available to do their job properly.

    If Congress would stop holding hearings, and do their job…. ( Don’t shut down the government….. fund it)….it’s possible everybody else could do their jobs as well.

  11. This is what you get when you stick your head in a pencil sharpener. And he did it to himself so he really can’t blame anybody else or spend time sobbing in his car!

  12. I watched through the first break. And, yes thank gawd there are Democrats rebutting this unbelievable waste of money.

    Gowdy saying this is not a prosecution and then proceeding to grill Hillary on the Blumenthal emails with the suggestion that she was helping him with his business interests in Libya. I loved her response about him not having personal friends that may say unkind and unflattering things about others, priceless!

    I don’t know if I’ll watch any more at this point since it is patently obvious that this is a witch hunt with a hoped for burning at the stake in mind.

  13. Not a fan of Hillary Clinton AT ALL.

    But this kind of showboating by Republicans might change my mind about that.

    The Freedom Caucus guy who interrupted her and snort-laughed during her answers, specifically.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    I know it’s not nice to criticize a person based on his looks, but in this case, 1: never trust anyone whose eyes are this close together (likewise Jindal who is thiiiiiiis close to having one eye), and 2: check out the profile, he was dropped on his face at infancy, I think.

  15. The really messed up part of Gowdy’s head is inside it, not outside.

    And bad as he is, I still prefer him to Feral Ferret Issa.

  16. I watch Gowdy and all I can think of is Angry Birds.

  17. uncle dave says:

    Supposedly the committee has spent over a thousand dollars on bottled water. It’s fair to say they just pissed it off.

  18. Elijah Cummings is worth his weight in gold for suggesting that the Republicans pay back the tax payers for the millions they have wasted on this witch hunt. Interesting how Dubya never gt this treatment over 9/11, nor St. Ronnie over Beirut.

    Gowdy is looking more like Valdemort than ever.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, Elijah Cummings is a decent man. Too decent, or he would reach over, shut off Trey’s mic, then give him a sound thrashing with the mic. Or, just hold him and let Sec/Sen Clinton bitch slap the little punter.

  20. Gowdy started off composed when he read his opening statement but has been looking red-faced and sweaty from the time Elijah Cummins first spoke through the rest of the morning. Cummings and Adam Schiff took Gowdy apart piece-by-piece whenever they got the mike, especially before the midday break when they demanded the release of the Blumenthal interview transcript that will refute the Democrats’ allegations about him and his emails. Clinton, on the other hand, has maintained a polite, calm disdain for the Democrats, especially when they collapsed into vehement bickering with their Republican committee critics. On numerous occasions she simply rested her chin in her right palm and watched the fireworks.

    As the afternoon begins, without explanation, Chairman Gowdy secured a partisan roll call committee vote rejecting the release of the Blumenthal transcripts. Let’s hope that somebody leaks the full Blumenthal transcript before the end of the day. Gowdy’s claim of the committee seeking “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” will be exposed as total Republican hypocrisy.

    When will the Republicans finally realize that the longer they prolong this select committee farce, the worse it gets for them?

  21. Have been watching the travesty in between completing projects. Hillary is first rate. Gowdy can’t stand the fact that she is not falling apart under his krypton gaze and truly stupid questions. What they fail to realize is that this woman is a cage fighter! Elijah Cummings did a fantastic job of blazing Trey Gowdy as the hearing started.

  22. UmptyDump says:

    Correcting my previous post where I said “Democrats’ allegations” – make that “Republicans’ allegations.”

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Cummings and Gowdy argued over an e-mail from Blumenthal the Cia released un-redacted. Gowdy redacted it himself,after putting the contact’s name in the public domain. Blumenthal is not a gubmint employee and therefore,his emails are not considered classified. I don’t like HRC and wouldn’t trust her as far as I could toss a bobcat,but I hate these traitorious wingnut SOBs with a passion.

  24. WallyinFl says:

    This thing is a bad joke and what’s up with the woman wingnut’s head? It looks like a mutant bush or shrub is growing out of it’s head. It doesn’t seem to move either it’s kinda disturbing.

    I’m just your average long haired country boy not a genius or anything but this show is pointless and a waste of time and money. The repigs are being insulting and childish it’s embarrassing.

  25. Having dressed hair many years ago I was always mistified why people can’t see what their hairdo does to their overall image. Gowdy can tell the barber what he wants and obviously that’s what he has. The question is WHY?? Maybe he thinks he is portraying a scary person who will come after you as a crazy prosecutor? I love it that Hillary has just smiled at him as though saying “you ignorant twerp”. So far, I think she has “out lawyered” him.

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The Republicon punters on this ersatz committee have ZERO understanding of classified information, or they would roll up the Blumenthal e-mails into a tasty lunch for themselves. Would have Traitor Tom Cotton explain it to them, but HQ probably never let Traitor Tom anywhere near the classified safe.

    Information that comes from civilian sources such as Newsweek or Blumenthal simply is NOT classified. Most of what is classified is not due to the information, but to protect the source.

    Watching this Show of Morons makes me wish HRC had an inner dervish or Kim Jong-un to release on the pointy headed little punters.

  27. Marcia in CO says:

    Like so many others, I have been watching off and on …
    I love that Hillary stays so cool, calm and collected while the RWNJs are glistening with sweat and getting so frustrated with all their BS … they are NOT going to break her … she is not going to throw her hands in the air and cry “Uncle!” Personally, I think she is going to make one helluva President!! And I do intend on voting for her.

  28. I usually debate with the television but NERF balls would be much more fun. Its been a good show. I predict the Republicans will fall apart after this (vote) break.

  29. I wondered why Stephanie Miller said he looked like a conehead this morning. Now I know why.

  30. Gowdy had a full Ed Grimely style hairdoo, but thought he should get a trim before the proceedings began:

  31. Karen Byrd says:

    I have watched every single second of this committee ‘hearing’, recording and catching back up when what little I do these days (retired! yay!) intrudes. The longer it goes on, the angrier and more frustrated these GOP lightweights become. If any of the,out of this crowIng

  32. Karen Byrd says:

    Sorry in last post – I meant to end if any of the GOP Coke out of this crowing ‘winning’, they are more delusional than I thought. Cummings is my hero!

  33. I don’t have cable, and even if I did, I’m too busy to watch. I get my info from JJ and Wonkette. Btw, Cheryl, I thought it was Lucius Malfoy, not Draco.

  34. Oh yes. Lucius Malfoy it is! Wow there are some nasty people there. All of them are Republicans as far as I can figure out 🙂 Cummings and Schiff – both amazing. Just wow. American democracy absolutely not on display. Sad.

  35. Oops I was wrong … it is Draco. Although actually Draco has better hair.

  36. Listening on the radio and can audibly hear Hillary taking moments to be precise and clear in her responses with little if hardly any inflection. She’s starting to get tired now though, good that there is a break again. So proud that she is managing to slip in previous examinations and conclusions that blow these idiotic re-questionings. They somehow hope that her answers will change. Mother of All That’s Holy!

  37. Marge Wood says:

    Today, when I walked into the waiting room at the doctor’s office, I saw the Benghazi mess on TV. I was my usual subtle self and said real loud, “Oh, for crying out loud! Don’t people know that the Republicans said out in public that they are doing that to hurt Hillary’s ratings? I am so sick of hearing about Hillary’s emails too.” I didn’t bother telling the world that I don’t watch TV.
    You gotta use your chances when you git ’em.

  38. Corinne Sabo says:

    I watched during lunch & my appetite died. Elijah Cummings did well.

  39. I’m not watching the electric teevee right now but I opine that televising all this in the run up to an election is a knife that cuts in both directions. It is true that Hilary under probing questioning could freeze up or say something untoward. There is a greater chance however that the snacilbupeR asking the questions could futz up and bring dishonor and discredit upon themselves. There is a greater chance that under probing questioning Hilary will see where they have tied up their goats and get’em.

  40. Anyone else notice that the leading Republican candidates refused to attend the next debate (with 9 other people getting asked questions) if it were longer than 2 hours, because they looked tired last time?

    While the Republican led Bengazi Committee thinks it’s reasonable to ask Hillary questions all day long?

  41. fran seyer says:

    Good thing I am not running for president…….I would be going for the throats of some of those dimwits…..and at the very least throwing my water upon their little pinheads.

  42. Can’t they see that this prosecution is not working!!!! They are trying to completely discredit Hillary. Holy Jesus Christo. The sad thing, I fear, is that the people that need to realize this are as slanted and misogynistic as this whole charade. And, that token women from the GOP needs to settle down. Our small minority is taking the high road and showing their complete frustration.

  43. These are the same people who voted over 50 times to repeal Obamacare. They are doomed to repeat their failures because they refuse to accept that they have failed. Insanity thy name is republican. How can any sane person still belong to that party?

  44. Nice gallery at the Guardian of Clinton’s expressions. I especially like the chin on hand “Are you through yet?” one.

  45. 1. I think Hillary has learned a thing or three from watching Obama over these years. The no-drama thing will take you a long way–particularly in the face of the crazies.

    2. Elijah Cummings has been making noise about running for Barbara Mikulski’s seat in the Senate. Even without officially announcing, he is leading both Chris Van Hollen and Donna Edwards in the Democratic Primary polling that’s been done lately. He certainly didn’t hurt himself with Maryland voters today. Still, we need ALL three of them in the Congress in some capacity.

  46. Gowdy and cronies are making Hillary Clinton look very, very Presidential.

  47. UmptyDump says:

    @LynnN – After grilling Hillary for 11 solid hours, the Republicans failed to make a dent in her composure and responses. I got the feeling that by dinnertime, the Repubs knew that they were failing but just couldn’t bring themselves to quit – something like the Las Vegas craps player down to his last few bucks, but still irrationally hoping his luck will turn and he’ll start getting some good rolls of the dice. Yet they pressed pitifully on for two more hours and finally trudged out of the committee room, lucky to still be clad in their now-soiled tidy whities.

    The comments so far on tonight’s Washington Post wrap-up article are highly illuminating. Dozens of them think that Pissant Trey Gowdy and his incompetent band of toadies delivered an incredible boost to the Clinton presidential campaign. It makes that marathon 11 hours all worthwhile.

  48. Watched almost all of it but not sure why. Clinton handled herself well and was so prepared. Not a super fan of hers but she’s making it easier to pull the lever for her if she wins. The Republicans were just disgusting….going to have to invest in nerf balls myself. Howdy Gowdy’s hair? The brunette with the stringy oily hair was worse but I guess it matched her questions. I have to bet she is home alone a lot.
