Any Doubt About SCOTUS Being Totally Corrupt? Silly you.

February 28, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election, Insurrection, SCOTUS

The SCOTUS just announced that, after slow walking a decision for weeks, that they will take on TFG’s claim of absolute immunity even though the Court of Appeals decision denying that claim was unanimous and has been called “masterful” by many legal experts.  They also continued the stay on his election interference trial, almost guaranteeing that he won’t go to trial before the election.  Trump wins again with his handpicked court.

Fuck me.


0 Comments to “Any Doubt About SCOTUS Being Totally Corrupt? Silly you.”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Teflon Don again. If the supremes get their way, we’re all fucked.

  2. Best Stash says:

    This is obvious delay by SCOTUS. They know Trump has no immunity and once again they diminish their credibility. I have no faith at all that he will be held accountable for anything other than State charges, more likely in NY. It will not surprise me at all if the judge in Georgia rules against Fanni Willis.

  3. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I could not agree more with these initial takes. I will say it sure would be nice to see some of the old regular Friday cartoonists
    takes on things in a couple of days. What happened to that?


  5. Harry Eagar says:

    I look forward to the textualist analysis of presidential immunity.

  6. My psychic powers predict that the Supremes will issue a finding that there is no presidential immunity- in August or September. This will delay the criminal trials until after the election.

    If Trump wins in November, his Attorney General will dismiss all these cases. If Trump loses, the Republicans will blame Trump’s convictions on the Democrats and try to assume the role of Trump2.0.


  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This same cartoon could be applied to the scrotum supremes.

    Anyone disappointed in Mr obstruction mitch retiring?

  9. @Steve #8

    I remember thinking it couldn’t get any worse than W.

    I am reminded of the scene in Star Wars:

    Leia: It could be worse.

    Han Solo: It’s worse!

  10. Malarkey @#9:

    At this rate the 2028 Republican ticket for President will be Lauren Boebert and VP Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  11. Yes we are royally f*cked! And they ain’t only coming for our birth control.

    “How have Christofascists made so much progress in their assault on America? For one, they stole a Supreme Court seat, enabling them to overturn Roe v Wade. 1/

  12. Worst case scenario- Scotus will issue the decision after the election. Biden wins, no immunity. Trump wins, immunity.

  13. Barbara C Jones says:

    If Trump wins, and everything is left up to “God,” we won’t need any form of health care, including birth control. Medical research and progress can just stop, God is in charge and humans don’t need to interfere with his plan. No building codes, no pollution controls, no speed limits, and so on. God will decides who is born, lives, dies, eats, has housing, goes to school. And naturally, God will decide who is to be a billionaire and who can work for poverty wages.
    It is hard not to be cynical in Texas these days. I don’t want to live in the Republic of Texas (do they realize Trump can’t be emperor of both Texas and the US at the same time), I want to live in the alternate universe where Gore won his election.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I see trumpf’s favorite authoritarian murderer is now threatening nuclear war with with the west if the US continues to support Ukraine. Wonder what the Putin supporters in congress have to say about that?

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Friday is almost here. I suggest in JJ’s absence, we post our favorite toons here. I’ll start with these:

  16. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Steve from Beaverton, thank you! I am just over in SE PDX
    and would be happy to get together sometime. Kindred spirit!
    I’ll post me email her if you’d be interested. I am an old
    semi-retired elementary teacher/construction guy who still teaches kindergarten whenever I can and works on people’s
    houses. Anyway, best to all here and I hope that Susan is okay.

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Not sure this site will allow that but you can try. I’n open to that.

  18. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Mark, I tried and was blocked from giving my information. I can understand that.
