Another One Jumps in the Shallow End

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, life is so good.  Bobby Jindal is running for President to offend everybody.

Your turn is coming.  He just hasn’t gotten to hating you yet.

IBM was supposed to have a ribbon-curing ceremony on Monday night at their new proposed plant in Baton Rouge, which will bring 800 jobs.  They cancelled it after Jindal signed an executive order to Hate The Gays after the Hate The Gays bill stalled in the legislature.

The technology giant IBM voiced “strong opposition” to Louisiana’s so-called religious freedom legislation as far back as mid-April.

In a letter to the governor, IBM executives said the legislation cut at the very heart of what their company stands for, equal rights and opportunity for everyone, discrimination for no one. The letter implored Jindal not to support any agenda that protected discrimination against LGBT people.

Yeah, Jindal, it ain’t like you can point to Louisiana as a model of economic and educational powerhouse, dude.  So ya gotta run on hate.  We certainly need some more of that.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

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