Another Existential Threat to Democracy…Averted!
by daChipster
Bullslingers, Entirely Negated, Greatly Hatefully Aggravated, Zero Intelligence
What’s that spell?
It spells yet another round of spasmodic Right Wing Nutjobs waxing apoplectic over the latest in a long series of GOP Benghazi investigations turning up plenty o’ NUTTIN! What to do, what to do?
Well, if you’re Miz Lindsey Graham, Senator (R–Vapors, SC) you clutch a damp hanky to your décolletage, lay the back of your hand against your forehead and gasp, in a tremulous voice, “I think the report is full of crap…That’s a bunch of garbage. That’s a complete bunch of garbage.”
All the while searching with your buttocks for the fainting couch.
Meanwhile, even the GOP-controlled House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence which, ironically, features members like Peter King, Chairman Mike Rogers, and the below-mentioned Michele Bachmann, had to admit in its “garbage” report that, when it comes to Benghazi, there’s no THERE there.
No conspiracy? No cover-up? NO PROBLEM for Miz Lindsey and friends! So long as there is no evidence of a conspiracy or a cover-up, then clearly the cover-up conspiracy is WORKING!