Another Existential Threat to Democracy…Averted!

November 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by daChipster

Bullslingers, Entirely Negated, Greatly Hatefully Aggravated, Zero Intelligence

What’s that spell?

It spells yet another round of spasmodic Right Wing Nutjobs waxing apoplectic over the latest in a long series of GOP Benghazi investigations turning up plenty o’ NUTTIN!   What to do, what to do?

Well, if you’re Miz Lindsey Graham, Senator (R–Vapors, SC) you clutch a damp hanky to your décolletage, lay the back of your hand against your forehead and gasp, in a tremulous voice, “I think the report is full of crap…That’s a bunch of garbage. That’s a complete bunch of garbage.”

All the while searching with your buttocks for the fainting couch.

Meanwhile, even the GOP-controlled House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence which, ironically, features members like Peter King, Chairman Mike Rogers, and the below-mentioned Michele Bachmann, had to admit in its “garbage” report that, when it comes to Benghazi, there’s no THERE there.

No conspiracy? No cover-up? NO PROBLEM for Miz Lindsey and friends! So long as there is no evidence of a conspiracy or a cover-up, then clearly the cover-up conspiracy is WORKING!

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