Another Damn Favor

December 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, cowboys, I need another favor.  This one does not involved money.

Screen Shot 2013-12-15 at 10.39.28 AMThe Good Folks at the Texas Democratic Party have gotten contributions to Turn Texas Blue from every state in the United Damn States of America except one.

You need to help me get a contribution to the Texas Democratic Party from that state.  This ain’t gonna be easy.

It’s South Dakota.

So, if you know anyone in South Dakota, please ask them to donate at least $5. to the Texas Democratic Party.  Click here.

If you don’t know either of the people who live in South Dakota, you’re in the same boat as I am.

Thank you.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Another Damn Favor”

  1. How about if some of us go on vacation to South Dakota and mail in something from there? The Black Hills really are worth seeing.

    We could even knock on doors. There are some Dems in South Dakota. Though they may not have enough money to give us because they probably have all they can do to keep their own state party running.

    Of course, we can’t do this until it thaws out, which will be sometime next summer. But I assume Texas Dems will still need money then.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    I need the address to send donation.

  3. Juanita Jean says:

    The mailing address is Texas Democratic Party, 4818 East Ben White Blvd., Suite 104, Austin, Texas 78741

    Please put a note of Attn: Will Hailer, Executive Director — Here’s the South Dakota donation you’ve been waiting for.

    Let him know that Juanita Jean found you. I need him to owe me a favor.

  4. Offbeat suggestion, but anyway … Early this year, Bloomberg News had an article about the Top Ten Counties in the U.S. that voted for Obama in 2012. Number One on the list was Shannon, SD, which is located on the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian reservation. My grandfather was from Pine Ridge and I visited there briefly many years ago. They are as poor as church mice, but 93% of the voters there went for Obama, giving them the distinction of being his largest vote-getting county:

    Obama’s Top 10 Counties

    It’s a longshot, JJ, but maybe you and Texas Dems can do a little outreach to Pine Ridge and see what the Dem leadership looks like there …? I have no idea what kind of political action infrastructure they have there on the reservation, but I do know that Native Americans are a completely overlooked demographic and most of us are hardcore Democrats. That’s why it’s so pathetic that we have only *two* Native reps in congress and both of them are Republicans who vote against their own people’s best interests. [*sigh*]

  5. I just tweeted the South Dakota Democrats the link to this blog post. Here’s their official Twitter account:

    I don’t know if they will respond, but it’s worth a try.

  6. Bryan & Judy says:

    Got ya covered. South Dakota is now represented. Get rid of some or all of those right wing wing nuts if you can.

  7. I also just tweeted this link to So. Dakota Dems to let them know what exactly you’re fundraising for:

    I’ll let you know if I receive a reply from them.

  8. e platypus onion says:


    Here is the link to Pine Ridge Dems Facebook page. I quit FB years ago and can not and will not get back on there. If someone wants to try to connect,feel free.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Actually, Zyx,with wingnuts looting South Dakota,nothing that happens there surprises me

  10. @Zyxomma – Yes, the sequester has hit Indian reservations harder than any other population because so many residents depend on Federal subsidies. Most people aren’t worrying about the effects of sequestration, but Natives on reservations are dealing with it daily. That said, however, it’s still a good idea to network with Dems in Indian country. No, they probably can’t help financially, but as I said — This is an overlooked population in terms of Democratic focus. They might not be able to chip in a few dollars to Turn Texas Blue, but for sure they will help by cheerleading and passing along the info. And as we’ve been saying: Spreading the word is as valuable as donating cash.

  11. W. C. Peterson says:

    I’m originally from South Dakota. I grew up in Sioux Falls. And I’ve donated to the Texas Democratic Party even though I live in Maryland. Does that count? BTW. I doubt I’ll ever go back to visit South Dakota, though.

  12. Marcia in CO says:

    I have a couple friends in S.D. and will post this on their FB pages. I believe they might be willing to donate $5 each to the cause, but I can’t be positive about that. Can only post and wait, I suppose.

  13. @e platypus – Thanks for that link. Maybe the Texas Dems might want to connect with the folks at Pine Ridge Dems and engage in some discussion about them lending a hand. They are obviously hardcore Dems and they would most likely be happy to help out if they could.

  14. Juanita Jean says:

    Bryan and Judy – thank you so much! The State Party Chairman is so damned impressed with me that I may get the lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the next meeting.

    Once Texas flips, you will never see another Republican in the White House. Texas is not a red state – it is a nonvoting state. We can fix that!

  15. Okay, so much for that! I’m glad some folks from SD were able to contribute. And I still think it’s a good idea for Texas Dems and every other state Dem party to network with Dems in Indian Country. They are very much forgotten but loyal Dems, nevertheless.

  16. Elise Von Holten says:

    Zyxomma–who do I get in contact with to give a donation to the reservation Indians? I have a blood connection through a many x’s great-great grandmother on my fathers side ( still in the family history, but maybe not in my genes) and having been stuck for a week in ’74 bad blizzard (my sister-in-laws chickens froze to death in a winterized henhouse) at -30 and lower (wind chill) temperatures I can only say (as a native Az and transplanted Ca person) it was horrible…when I get my end of the year “bonus”, I will donate there and to Wendy–instead of to my wealthy spoiled children…they can make do with the nice bottle of wine I already got each of them…I’ll put my money where it will do some good!

  17. @Elise – I don’t know the answer off the top of my head, but that’s a good question. Sequestration has hit the reservations so hard, and most people don’t know this. I read your post and emailed a friend of mine on a rez in AZ to ask if she knows of organizations that you could donate to that would benefit Rosebud and others. I will keep my eye open here to see if Zyxomma knows, and if I hear from my friend, I will pass that info to you all here.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Elise and Zyx-I haven’t been able to find a donation site specifically for the Rosebud Res. You might could ask these people here for the info. They all need help.

  19. Done

  20. If any would like to reciprocate in what is close to a snowflakes chance run, I am sure South Dakota Dem Senate candidate Rick Weiland would be thrilled.

  21. The American Indian Relief Council does good work, along the lines of teach a man to fish don’t just throw fish at him. Here is a link to their about us page

  22. Aid to the Isabel Community of South Dakota can go here:
