Another Country Heard From

April 21, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

TFG has another 2024 challenger, this time from the Left Coast. Conservative radio commentator Larry Elder has just announced that he intends to challenge “his coupness” for the top spot on the GOP ticket next year.

Here on that coast, we are very familiar with Larry Elder, who is an unknown east of Lake Tahoe.

Elder ran in a field of 42 against California Governor Gavin Newsom when a gubernatorial recall was held in 2021 during Newsom’s first term. Elder came out on top of the vast field of challengers in that election, only to have the win canceled out by another vote that failed to oust Governor Newsom (by 23%).

Elder, a former enthusiastic TFG Republican, follows Asa Hutchison, Nikki Haley (both of whom were a tad more successful in their Governor races), Tulsi Gabbard, and Vivek “Someone’s-Gotta-Be-Last” Ramaswamy in declaring for our country’s highest office.

It was his support for TFG and his anti-choice stance that endeared his 3.5 million voters to him in 2021.

Millions of voters.

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme on occasion. You see, this is nearly in reverse of what happened with Nixon in 1960-1962. In 1960, Richard Nixon, although losing to JFK nationally, actually won California’s electoral votes (narrowly, by less than 1%). So in 1962, with victory in the air, Nixon ran for California’s governor against a well-liked Edmund G. “Pat” Brown (you know, Jerry’s dad).

And lost by 5%.

Apparently, California trusted Nixon to run the country in 1960, but went all NIMBY on him 2 years later.

But when you have voters in the millions, maybe you lose your perspective on just how many millions of voters that is.

0 Comments to “Another Country Heard From”

  1. Fred Farkleshine says:

    Look, Larry’s cash flow is really, really tight, at this time!
    He needs a quick infusion of cash, just to keep movin’ on!

  2. Sam in Mellen says:

    It’s hard to believe that a majority of Republicans will vote for someone who isn’t lily white. It’s called “The Bradley Effect”.
