Annie, Get Your Gun
There’s a guy in Texas named Kory Watkins. I ain’t saying he’s crazy, but … okay, I’m saying he’s crazy.
He’s the guy with a posse who marched into the Capitol of Texas on the opening day and proceeded to threaten Democratic State Representative Poncho Nevarez. The next day, the state house voted to install panic buttons in each representative’s office but the citizens of Texas didn’t get one, which doesn’t seem fair to me.
Within a week, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who has said that Open Carry was dead this session, was meeting with Kory Watkins in his state office. Seriously. They let this guy into the capitol again and gave him bragging rights.
Here’s the selfie of that meeting that Watkins posted online.
So now I know how to get Dan Patrick to do what I want: go threaten Poncho.
So now Dan Patrick has said he will most likely bring and open carry bill to the house floor.
Kory Watkins wants open carry for everybody – convicted felons, people with mental health problems, wife whackers, everybody.
Here is part of Kory Watkin’s response to the idea that the bill may come to the house floor after all.
Texans, I’m tired of jackin’ around. I’m tired of playing politically correct games. I’m tired of saying “Well, this is chess, and we gotta take this slowly.” No no no no. This isn’t a game. This is reality. And these are our rights that they’re playing with. Okay? And I don’t know if they forgot what their duty is but it’s to protect the Constitution. And lemme remind you. Going against the Constitution is treason. And my friend, that is punishable by death. That’s how serious this is…
I don’t think they wanna mess with us too much longer. They better start giving us our rights, or this peaceful non-cooperation stuff is gonna be, uh, gamed up. We’re gonna step it up a notch. I think here in Texas we’re tired of jackin’ around with people in suits who think that they can take away freedoms in the name of safety…
Yeah, we don’t need no stinkin’ safety. And killing people who oppose you is your constitutional duty.
Screw open carry. I want a drone, dammit. How do they expect me to overthrow an oppressive government without a drone? And some nukes. A tank or two.
In your wildest dreams, can you imagine Ann Richards or Bob Bullock craving to a bully like that? We have got to quit electing Republican wussies. We do.
Thanks to Mollusk for the heads up.