And You Thought Our District Attorney’s Race was Racy

February 26, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican men never cease to amaze Juanita.

“Honey, those are some nasty children,” she says.  “And that doesn’t even include the boys running for DA here.”

Juanita’s customer Deb brought Juanita some news this morning from the Bible Belt Capital – Georgia.  It seems that a Super DeLux Brand Christian member of the Georgia House got caught rubbing bellies with a lobbyist.  So he resigned.

Not being folks who learn from their mistakes, those same voters elected another Super DeLux Brand Christian to replace him.

Meet newly minted Rep. Daniel Stout.

His campaign Web site touts his conservative, pro-family bona fides. “I believe Paulding County wants someone who will stand strong for the conservative principles we’ve always believed in … lower taxes, limited government, personal responsibility, and valuing Life from the womb until natural death,” he says.

But, as the writer Tom Crawford of Capitol Impact noted this week, Stout “has been compelled to address a personal incident from 10 years ago: he had an affair with his first wife’s mother while his first wife was pregnant with their daughter. Stout and his first wife subsequently divorced.”

“Well,  I thought that kind of stuff only happened in Alabama,”  Juanita says.

“I found something on his website that made me kinda laugh in that very nervous kind of way,” she tell us.

My goal in life is to serve and glorify The Creator by reflecting the love and grace He has shown to me through Christ.

“How come the more perverted a man is, the more he hides in church pews behind his family?  It seems like we’d learn that when a Republican man does that, he’s misbehaving somewhere with someone, probably his mother-in-law.”


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