And You Mean His Head Didn’t Screw Off With All That Twisted Thinking?

October 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Marco Rubio says that the Lillie Ledbetter Fair Pay Law is nothing but “a giveaway to trial lawyers.”

Trial lawyers?  Really, now.  You mean those evil horrible nasty people who make sure that employers follow the law?  Oh yeah, let’s screw them!  You mean the people who represent the last bastion of freedom?  Oh yeah, let’s screw ‘um.  And those who recover wages for women who have been cheated for a decade and make the employers pay her fairly and her legal fees, too?  Yep, screw the dickens out of them.

We cannot be having women sue for their rights.  No, siree.  Women should quit whining and be grateful they get paid at all.

Here’s the line that choked me hard:

Rubio said he supports the principle but opposes the Ledbetter legislation as a way of achieving it.

“If you’re the most qualified person for the job, you should be able to get paid — you should get paid as much as your male counterpart,” he said. “Everyone agrees with that principle.”

Oh, so it’s nice in principle but not in reality? So, if a woman does not discover that she is being paid unfairly within 180 days, screw her and her lawyer.

Thank you, Marco.  So you solution is to arm women with guns and let them just shoot whoever isn’t paying them fairly?  Heck, we’ll try it your way.


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