And You Know That Whole Pearl Harbor Thing? Obama’s Fault.

August 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you think that Texas Republicans are the dumbest creatures on God’s green earth, along come Louisiana to grab the crown.

Louisiana Republicans are closely split on who was at fault for the Katrina mess.  But, Obama wins.

According to a Public Policy Polling survey, 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans say President Obama is more to blame for the botched executive branch response to Hurricane Katrina while just 28 percent blamed George W. Bush. A plurality of 44 percent said they were unsure who was more responsible, even though Hurricane Katrina occurred over three years before Obama entered the presidency when he was still a freshman Senator.

That must have been difficult to do after he piloted the airplanes that attacked the World Trade Center.

You know, you’d think the people in Louisiana would remember the Katrina thing because … well, THEY WERE FREEKIN’ THERE.

Thanks to Raphael and Carl for the heads up.

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