And You Can Tell They Are Drunk Because …

September 29, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is extremely difficult to tell if a Republican member of Congress is drunk by the way they behave.  You have to smell it on them to know.

Apparently last night the whole place smelled like a Lone Star Beer factory.

As the evening wore on, reporters on the House floor were tweeting about the smell of booze in the room and obnoxious behavior more and more. Now, we all would expect that sort of thing from Boehner. I mean, come on, it was Saturday night, he’s John Boehner, of course he would be drunk….and orange. But I must admit that even I am a bit shocked that the others were hitting the bottle.

In their defense, there’s no way you can vote like a Republican while sober.  That’s a scientific fact.  Look it up.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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