And Yet He Cares About Double Celled Zygotes
Rick Perry is wildly crazy about Israel. He’s not crazy about Israelis, just the country Israel. He’s a Baptist and Baptist don’t believe that Jews are going to heaven unless they accept Jesus as their personal savior. Or, as in Rick’s case, as their own personal weapon.
Today, Rick announced that killing unarmed children was really okay because “Hamas was using them as human shields.”
“But when we have a fairly good understanding that Hamas is actually using their citizens as shields, at that particular point in time, it loses a lot of the the power, if you will, from my perspective,” the Texas Republican continued.
Since when is dehumanizing children —God’s creation—an acceptable Christian view?
Let me see if I have this straight: It’s not okay to have an abortion after a rape or incest, but it is okay to kill children if they are being victimized by adults.
Oddly, Palestine Christians are direct descendants of the first Christians.
Rick Perry, listen up: Blessed are the damn peacemakers. They shall be called the children of God. Are you sleeping in church, you damfool?
Thanks to Monty for the heads up.