And Yes, He Had To Give It Back

May 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Earlier this month I told you about the FEC catching the “US-Cuba Democracy Political Action Committee” giving Ted Cruz $5,000 to retire his campaign debt.  Only problem is – Ted Cruz had no campaign debt.  The boy is practically swimming in money from goofy people with too much money.

He gave it back.  Refunded it.  Got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.  (PDF with refund check and explanation letter.)

The good news is that ted has $5,000 less to spread his manure.  The bad news is that the US-Cuba PAC has $5,000 more to give to manure spreaders.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Yes, He Had To Give It Back”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Glad they found that out. Sigh. Wish we would find a huge money pot. That, or else a major change in campaign finance reform.

  2. Bud Malone says:

    3rd paragraph, small ted. I like that!

  3. Who knew manure spreading was such a profitable enterprise?

  4. I’m going to bed in a bit and that picture is gonna give me nightmares.

    If I was casting a creepy mortician for a movie- this guy is my number one choice.

  5. Roy Mark says:

    “If I was casting a creepy mortician for a movie- this guy is my number one choice.”

    Better get used to Ted. He is going to be around at least 5 more years. And if an election was held tomorrow. Cruz would win in a walk

  6. Hi JJ–I know I have not been commenting much lately, but please KNOW I do indeed visit the salon almost everyday…The reason I decided to comment now is because of this dipstick, Cruz, who makes me ill, who baffles me as to what hole he crawled out of, and who makes me forget about Gov. Goodhair, which I do NOT like!! I tell myself that Dipstick and Goodhair will help our cause in turning Texas Blue, once and for all!!

  7. Perhaps Mr. Joyboy, senior mortician at Whispering Glades. He courts the assistant there by sending her corpses with smiles arranged on their faces. (In The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh.)

    This guy would be perfect.

  8. maryelle says:

    I’m thinking Dr. Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
    Picture him in the bustier and garters Tim Curry wore. Now THERE’S a nightmare.

  9. Ack…maryelle…BRAIN BLEACH NOW!!!!!

  10. Had a senator up here in Badgerland when I was a kid who looked a lot like Ted. His name was McCarthy. He saw a communist behind every darn corner, including Hollywood of all places. He destroyed the lives of many good people. Cruz is of McCarthy”s ilk.
