And When They’re Not Talking About Sex, They’re Pretty Damn Quiet

August 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republicans love to talk about sex.  Listening to them, you would think that all Democrats do is have sex.  That is just not true.  Sometimes we smoke pot or have abortions.

So here’s what they are saying now.

In February, Judge Orlando Garcia ruled that the state’s same-sex marriage ban is in violation of the 14th Amendment.  Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has been jittery ever since.  He filed an appeal on the basis that marriage is for procreation and that procreation is in the best interest of the State of Texas.  Yeah, well, one day spent watching the Texas House chamber in action would certainly make that statement arguable.

2013-09-17-MarriageEqualityLogoSo, anyway, I guess Abbott is wondering why Bubba and I stay married when we are finished procreating.  And if somebody is physically incapable of having children I guess they can’t get married in Texas.

So, Texas Republicans decided to pile on.  Holy cow, 63 Texas legislators signed a “friend of the court” brief that says …

Another ground cited by supporters of Texas’s marriage laws and subsequently dismissed by the district court is that recognition of same-sex marriage ‘could lead to the recognition of bigamy, incest, pedophilia, and group marriage’. As already discussed in this brief, restrictions on marriage relating to these moral considerations remain valid. Thus, the goal of actively trying to prevent those practices from becoming valid is entirely rational public policy.

After you take a breathing spell from jumping from marriage equality to incest and pedophilia, consider this:  What the fool tarnation did Texas to do prevent legal pedophilia prior to the same-sex marriage ban?

Look, I’m not saying that Texas Republicans are mean-spirited fear-mongering idiots, but …. oh hell, wait a minute.  Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

And yes, Dan Patrick, the guy running for Lt. Governor of Texas, signed the brief.

Thanks to Steff for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “And When They’re Not Talking About Sex, They’re Pretty Damn Quiet”

  1. Kate Dungan says:

    This from a man who has also pushed abstinence only sex education, (also known as “Frick Off”). He sounds confused.

    Re pubic ans: nothing above the waist interests them.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Combine science denial with abstinence only education and there you have the GOP rudimentary misstatement of facts on marriage equality, reproductive health for women, health care in general and basic education. If facts were essential, these idiots would be incapable of breeding. Dear goddesses, please, just please correct that little error, please.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I’m for abstinence in public schools too. Trouble is, the kids don’t. And the only pedophile I ever knew was totally straight, had a wife and four kids. I also know someone who believes in wives plus concubines. His wife of more than 40 years does not, so she’s managed to convince him that his interests do not coincide with happy cohabitation. I think she managed to tame him. Incest sounds yucky to me.
    I love this group. You never know what discussions are going to open up.

  4. I’d suggest they look at this document but they’ve proven facts & data don’t matter to them:

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    Was it on the advice of counsel that they left out bestiality, or was it so they could get 63 Republicans to sign on?

  6. Marge Wood says:

    If I were going after a sex offender I’d want more information. Some folks have done nothing more than pat someone on the shoulder or look at someone wrong, and the so called offender can be ruined for life by a smear. Of course I am against sex offenders. Just saying.

  7. I wish being a Democrat (or, so I’m told, gay) were as sexy as Republicans seem to think it is.

    Wasn’t there a report on here a while back about some Republican who said he did it with farm animals and didn’t everybody? I blocked it out for my own sanity but I wonder if he signed.

  8. Okay. So, I’m a San Antonio Spurs fan. And, I found this article on The Huffington Post…. to be just a little interesting:

    For those folks in foreign countries, “Pop” Popovich is the head coach of the NBA Spurs. Players from all over the world play for Pop. And, for those of you who have been living in a cave for the past couple of days…. he just added a woman assistant coach to his coaching staff. O. M. G.

    It’s a heckuva idea, and I’d vote for him as Governor of Texas in a heartbeat. However, I don’t think he would put up with the idiots in the Leg for one minute. Greg Popovich doesn’t suffer fools…. lightly, or any other way. I’m a Spurs fan because….. he’s a realist. I do wish he would run for Governor of Texas, but I think he’s got the job he loves to do. Maybe when he retires from coaching?????? Maybe.

  9. Logically, if recognition of same-sex marriage ‘could lead to the recognition of bigamy, incest, pedophilia, and group marriage’ then so could recognition of opposite-sex marriage. In fact, opposite-sex sex is more closely related to most instances of bigamy, incest, and pedophilia.

    Not sure about group marriage since I’m a little vague on what it is, but I suspect opposite-sex sex is involved somewhere.

  10. Mark Johnson says:

    Massachusetts has had marriage equality for over a decade now, so we have some actual data about how gays getting married affects the rest of society.

    Strangely, they haven’t legalized bigamy, incest, pedophilia, group marriage, bestiality, etc. No one (sane) is even advocating for that. And heterosexuals didn’t suddenly stop getting married just because their homo neighbors could suddenly tie the knot (seriously, that was a major talking point against marriage equality for years and years).

    As Miss Juanita pointed out, conservatives are obsessed with sex. Particularly the more kinky, strange, and perverted varieties. And apparently, the only think that is keeping them from raping and then marrying their children during a barnyard orgy celebration is that it is against the law.

    Not because it is immoral or anything. Nooooo. Because we all know Republicans have no morals. And they can’t think for themselves. They need rules to obey blindly or they run amok.

    What strange people they are.

  11. No one can accuse Republicans of logical thinking. No sir, not when jumping to hysterical conclusions is so much fun for them.
    The “anti-big government” crowd just wants to keep on telling everybody what they can and can’t do in their own private bedrooms, with their own private bodies.

  12. So, based on the definition of marriage is procreation I assume vasectomies are also going to be forbidden?

  13. @Maryelle…. what sucks about that is this:

    Global Warming: Republicans: “I’m not a scientist”. “Can’t speak to climate change.”

    A woman’s uterus: Republicans: “I’m not an Ob/GYN, or an MD,” but heck yes…. I’m going to dictate, and legislate, what women can do with their bodies.

    Ladies: Only if we let them continue to do this.

    Vote! Vote! Vote!

  14. From TheTweetOfGod:

    “Texas Republicans are arguing that marriage equality could lead to incest. You know what DEFINITELY leads to incest? Creating Adam and Eve.”

    “The idea that you evolved from apes is disgusting. Isn’t it nicer to believe that you descended from one couple and their incestuous children?”

    “I am your shepherd, and today I’m preparing lamb chops.”

  15. hannity is herb tarlek says:

    Polite Kool Marxist and TalG flat out called it like it is here today. Thank You both very much. I plan on plagiarizing you both without paying if you don’t mind.

    if anybody remembers or cares (you shouldn’t) who Stacey Campfield was (hopefully), he has a very tough primary challenger in the Tennessee state senate race. Many of us crossed over today like our friends in Mississippi to assure his defeat.

  16. UmptyDump says:

    Next thing the Republicans will be bellyaching about mind control because “liberal” members of the public condemn them for their thoughts.

    Well, look at it this way. Anybody who spends time coming up with all that dreck about “bigamy, incest, pedophilia, and group marriage” has a pretty unhealthy sexual imagination – or obsession if you will.

    Sexual deviates? Look first to these folks. There’s something not right rolling around in their heads.

  17. Al in AZ says:

    People have been practicing the kind of marriage the Retardicans like for a few thousand years; has that put an end to bigamy, incest, pedophilia, group marriages and lets add bestiality?

    What a stupid question I ask. But I do wonder if these dim wits ever even think of it though.

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    @LynnN … think of the TV show “Sister Wives” or plural marriages … that would have to be what “group marriage” is all about! Like that creepy Warren Jeff’s cult down there in Texas!!

  19. And that bigamy, pedophilia, incest, etc. comes to you from the same crowd who frown so much on scientific fact that they think rain makes applesauce.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Why do wingnut cowboys get so mad at Cookie in Texas for cooking the sheep? Hint-it is not because it screws up the cooking.

  21. Ken Paxton, the Rethug nominee for Attorney General, also signed off on this master work.

  22. On a blog site which I read occasionally, a T-publican was mentioned as masturbating. One of the blog wits opined that “Of course he did. How else could he have sex with someone he loved?” Yes methinks Re/T-publicans think aboot sex way too much.

  23. Emily Davlin says:

    In the interest of MORALITY…. I think the Repug-thugs got themselves a pretty weak argument….trying to make judgements on a minority of folks in our society…..Gay folks are not your problem! What they do in the bedroom is NOT your problem…. If this is a morality declaration then go after a bigger section of society…..Get after the ADULTERERS… Yep.. the good old fashioned “Shacking up” crowd. Now GOD don’t like what they do and it says it in the 10 commandments’ you really don’t have to search in the scriptures very far on this one.. Heck Just Google it!… How many of these Holy-in-the -head guys in Austin have mistresses, frequent prostitutes, Buy dirty books and look at dirty movies? If the truth were known.. which ones of them are somebody’s creepy “funny Uncle” who will give you all the candy in walmart .. “If you don’t tell” ??? a line from a Delbert Mc Clinton song says it perfectyl.. “BEORE YOU ACCUSE ME.. TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF!” republicans….Pick on somebody’s crowd your own creepy , dirty minded, windbags with shriveled weenies!!

  24. Ann-Marie (Cookie Kinns) Meyers says:

    I guess as a widow, past the age of being able to procreate anyway, I am a drain on society and ought to be PTS.
