And When Exactly Did Iraq Have Freedom, Senator

June 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you thought Louie Gohmert and Rick Perry were hogging all the stoopid in Texas …

From the Twitter machine ….


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Holy crap, Senator, just go ahead and say the N word.  You’ll feel better.

Thanks to Monty for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And When Exactly Did Iraq Have Freedom, Senator”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Only some burned out, passed his expiration date Republican could look at the mess that is Iraq and call it “freedom”. Of course, now, I understand Republican “leadership” looking at what they’ve done to THIS country over the last 14 years. Keep it up boys!

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Only took one effing retard from Texas with a Hopalong Cassidy complex to sacrifice 4500 of America’s finest for absolutely nothing tangible. dumbass dubya was a war president,but he spelled it w-h-o-r-e.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I am fired up. Listen, I used to have a magnetic sign on my car (2 actually) that said U.S. SOLDIERS KILLED IN IRAQ and changed the numbers daily. I had yard signs. Go to Cornyn’s whatever page or tweet him and say IRAQ WAS FREE TILL WE WENT AFTER THEIR OIL or something to that effect. Talk to whoever calls from your dr’s office. They can’t hang up till you answer their questions. Ask if they’re registered to vote and if they vote. Probably NO. Ask questions. Rant rant. Oh, and here’s the White House number 202 456 1111. Bug the guys pushing Obama. Okay I will hush and shut up for awhile.

  4. We went in there and stirred up a hornet’s nest, due to RWers’ war-making policies. Unless we plan on staying there the next 1000 years or more – it was always going to devolve to this mess. Like Maddow said last night, the last time those two groups ruled peaceably together was 950 A.D.

    McCain and Ms. Lindsey are busy beating the drums for more war. Those two make a killing (no pun intended) from war contractor donations.

  5. Steve C says:

    All of these commentators and people in congress yelling for us to send in troops should be forced to go themselves or sacrifice a member of their family.

  6. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Daily Beast had an article yesterday on lobbyist fundraising for the past 15 month period. John Cornyn received $1.1 million from lobbyist/bundlers, representing 11% of his total receipts. Wonder how much of those $$$’s were from war machine interests? Oh, Cornyn was also #1.

    We’ve got the best representation money can buy.

    Grrrr, weapons of mass destruction, they will greet us as liberators, the war will pay for itself, it will be short-lived….

    They broke it, and apparently we own it now. Grrrrrr

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I heard from Paul Sullivan, the intense vet, that what Powell’s saying was, was actually “YOU WILL BREAK IT AND YOU WILL OWN IT.” and that’s what happened.

  8. gabberflasted says:

    Whenever I think about the whole damn mess in Iraq, I see the sign on that building: Sue Bee Honey. Paul Bremer and company caused that sign to be there!
    The ‘interests’ who caused this mess were deep into capitalism in Iraq. This in a country that had forms of capitalism under Saddam. Granted, he was a despot but, there was no major conflicts in that nation. He ruled, with an iron fist, but, those people experienced more freedom then than since.
    Cheney and Rumsfeld created this! NOT Bush. He wasn’t smart enough to do so nor resist.

  9. Sandridge says:

    These Reptaliban SOB’s need to be reminded at every opportunity that it was the G. W. BUSH administration that negotiated, signed, sealed and delivered on the timetable and terms of the US military exit from Iraq. President Obama merely followed that previous Bush agreement (with, IIRC, a couple of delays and/or extensions).

    The invasion and occupation of Iraq is simply the biggest F%$k Up in the history of US foreign policy ever.
    Make them own it. All this jingoistic chickhawk blustering is just to cover their sorry asses.

    About nine or ten years ago I predicted the ultimate resolution to the Iraq clusterf%$k that ‘we’ (read the Cheney/Bush maladministration) unleashed would be a civil war and eventual partition of Iraq into at least three separate (and perpetually warring) states.
    After all, Iraq’s artificial and synthetic very existence and boundaries were the machinations of the WW-I imperial and colonial powers of the time (almost 100 years ago, and still as meaningless today).

  10. If I remember correctly, the three state solution was what Joe Biden was pushing before he became the VP candidate.

  11. Somebody needs to find John Cornyn his copy of the SOFA
    that was signed by his good friend George W. Bush.

    In case y’all forgot:

    It basically…… was we had to get out by 2011. GWB negotiated that …….. not Barack Obama.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Miemaw and Sandridge those would be the facts which are totally lost on the neocon Obama bashing failing face plant war criminals.

    McCranky, Ms Lindsey and Cornjob are still shilling for their war profiteers and are willing to take the same failed plan into Iraq for a third time. Time to retire the crazy old fools.

  13. Teh Gerg says:

    “Cornyn want a cracker?” After all, he’s nothing but a parrot.

  14. UmptyDump says:

    Sen. Cornhole has been overdosing on his laxative again.

  15. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Iraq became free the moment that the spontaneous outpouring of democracy pulled down the statue of Saddam Hussein.

  16. Maybe Obama can find that MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner in a government warehouse somewhere – – if Dick Cheney didn’t take it. It seemed to be all that was needed to keep the Republicans happy the first time around.

  17. I am so disgusted with history challenged, military service avoiding Republicans that I could scream! What can we do when such idiots control the reins of power? Cornyn is absolutely useless, probably cut of the same cloth as the “leaders” that started this mess, unaware of the Sunni/Shia divide that tormented these people for fourteen hundred years. When will our citizens wake up?!

  18. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Saw Ron Johnson (R-xx) this morning regarding Iraq. He could not make one sentence w/o saying “Obama is at fault” – but not in such elegant language. No matter what the question, Obama did it, it is his fault, he failed in Iraq, Iraq was a democracy until Obama pulled the troops out……I had to turn off the TV before I threw something at it to get rid of this obnoxious, stupid, ignorant idiot!

  19. Another great rant relative to the war mongering from someone who’s has been there done that . . . . . . his last was re Bowe Bergdahl

  20. Okie Dokie says:

    Dick Cheney’s buddies want to make another fortune off another war. Could we relocate the Internal War Crimes Tribunal from the Hague to just outside where they do the Sunday morning Northrup Grumman/GE/Boeing talk shows?

  21. Thanks, JaneE.

    Finally, a voice of sanity.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Parachuting Grandpappy GHW Bush needs to take his entire family and the Duyba era war criminals with him for a dive into Tikrit. Lynne and Liz Cheney can join them as advisers, since they’re always so sage with their advice and opinions.

  23. Sandridge says:

    From JaneE says: #20, Stonekettle blog link, a quote from Mitt rMoney:

    “Tragically, all we’ve fought for in Iraq, all that 4,500 American lives were shed to gain, is on the cusp, potentially, of vanishing.
    – Mitt Romney, “Ideas Summit,” 6/13/2014 ”
    (Like SK’s Jim Wright says: ‘What’s this effen “WE”
    sh!t Mitt’? Neither you nor your kin had your sorry butts on the line.)

    Note the striking similarity (and time of utterance) to JJ’s John Cornyn quote above (and those of so many others).
    It is amazing how the Reptaliban are ALWAYS on script and message in lockstep together, ain’t it?

    Like “Teh Gerg says: #13”: they’re freakin’ mindless PARROTS!
    Down in the Valley in our little town we had a flock of turned-feral parrots that flew around squawking pointlessly too (along with flocks of cool chachalacas and pesky grackles).
    Those parrots were OK until they got close by and landed in the trees next to the patio and pool, then they would make one He!! of a mess, danged dirty birds. Not fit for company.

  24. Sad but true, John Cornyn is a U.S. Senator. Which goes a long way toward explaining why America is in such deep trouble.

  25. maryelle says:

    Those R’s have mighty short memories when it comes to their misdeeds. Once more, denial is their go-to.

  26. maryelle says:

    The republicans are demented chickenhawks when it comes to Iraq. Those armchair generals have no problem sending our sons and daughters to die for their trumped up excuses and have convenient consciences when it comes to what actually, really happened. Senator Obama got it right way back when. Now that he’s calling the shots, pray he does the right thing again.

  27. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Iraq, free of imaginary WMDs since 2003. That’s freedom!

  28. Angelo_Frank says:

    John Cornyn, purveyor of failed policies.

  29. “It took 3000 American lives to get one President’s attention and then his mind strayed to Iraq.”

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Cheryl-I guess you know Obama is directly responsible for poor visibility in Bad Gag,Iraq,don’t you?

  31. Sometime back I read a book about what was done after WWI. Some western nations, I think mainly Britain, saw that there were three different, disparate groups in that area. They pushed the people there to unite in one nation, though it probably would have been better to let the three groups form three separate nations. I don’t remember why they did it that way, other than so they could have influence there. That seems to me to have been the start of the problems there though I’m sure there were conflicts earlier.

    As long as people would rather fight than work together for good, there will be problems. This is true for places other than Iraq. Do I need to name them?

  32. Hmmm. Splitting Iraq along sectarian lines does sound do-able. Frankly, I think they would prefer it. Very, very much. The only reason they haven’t already done so — officially — is that they would rather be camel-kicked rather than let the Kurds legally have their own home territory. Now that is really a puzzlement. The great Muslim warrior, Salah-hu-din (known to us as Saladin) was a Kurd. They respect him. But the Kurds are the only people in Iraq to actually gain real, tangible stuff out of the loss of Saddam Hussein. Compare what they have — an actual developed area with good electricity, shopping malls and a fully functioning university plus the civil peace with which to enjoyit all. They make the rest of the area look like total putzes! And Allah knows you just can’t let the rest of the world fully know that!

  33. Marge Wood says:

    Okay, go to Bill Bailey’s Signs in west Austin (you can look it up) and buy two pieces of magnetic sign material (plain) 12×24″. $10 each. Plus a large tube of white acrylic paint and a large tube of black acrylic paint and a couple of narrow chisel tipped sign painting brushes. Write your message about going back to war and stick it on each side of your car or truck or tank. Wash brushes each time in cold water and stand on handles to dry. You can update it as needed.

  34. Elise Von Holten says:

    Here I always thought the “Mission Accomplished” sign meant that they got all the money they (Bush, Rove, Cheney, etc) wanted from that cash cow, and with another Repug victory they would go on to more…I was in Egypt right after and the sign facing our window said, Iraq–check, Iran space for check, then Syria, and about ten countries all together with spaces for them to be checked off as well.
    Then there was the commercial about how Americans spent x amount of money on soft drinks and the rest of the world doesn’t spend that much on their entire food budget per day–so they were pretty down on Americans while I was there.

  35. We cannot fix Iraq. We tried for over ten years and failed. All we did was set it up so that tyrant Saddam Hussein may now be replaced with religious fanatic tyrant Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

    If we’re so sure we can fix violent situations, let’s start by fixing the violence in our own schools.

  36. e platypus onion says:

    Wasn’t Iraq at one time considered the “cradle of civilization”(Mesopotamia) at least until wingnuts discovered our oil there?

  37. VintageMomma says:

    I am always just amazed and relieved at the insight, brains, memory, compassion, and courage woven into the posts and comments I read on this website. All of you prop me up in some way. Thank you!
