And We’ll Try Real Hard Not To Kill Seven Million Jews While We’re There
In case you haven’t heard, the Democratic National Convention is going to be like, well, you know, the Nazis.
American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer on Focal Point today scolded the Democratic Party for promoting pro-choice speakers for the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, saying that the convention has turned into a “three day death camp.” After quoting HotAir blogger Ed Morrissey who called the DNC “abortion-palooza,” Fischer said the DNC will be a “three day Auschwitz.”
It delights me to say that most delegates will be there five days, not three, and it is our sole goal to make the Nazis look like a bunch of Quakers.
Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.
Thanks for the devaluing of the Holocaust, idiots at the AFA.
1I invoke Godwin’s Law.
“Godwin’s law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one’s opponent) with Nazis…For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress…”'s_law
2I retire each evening thinking that the republicans can’t possibly go any lower in their ignorant ravings…and each new day brings a new outrage. Where have these people come from? Are they stewing in some toxic, alien soup and birthing whole from the slime? Deep breath, the news from Vermont’s Castleton Polling Institute…The Presidential Race is running 62 to 25….for President Obama and numbers haven’t changed since May! Paul Ryan has done nothing to change that. Grateful that I live here; frightened that the zombies are eating the brains of so many people outside!
3Someone just point me to the Tent for Gays, please. Is that right next to the Honk If You Want an Abortion tent, or is it down near the Welfare R Us pavilion???
4You know, I am really really against the death penalty. Joking apart there are too many who have recently been exonerated of a crime years after conviction for me to be comfortable with the idea of execution. In fact, I object to my tax dollars being used to take those convicted criminals lives.
It is strange that the same group who are determined that every non-viable fetus shall be carried to term appear to be consumed with blood lust when it comes to executions.
5Forget the Nazis!!!! Charlotte has an IKEA now, the second largest in the US. Treat your favorite Republican to some nice lutefisk, and grab some cinnamon buns for yourself.
6No concern post partum with starving them to death because, ya know, they could get a job.
7Iless–and if they need to go to school, they can get the single mom who had to drop out of school and give up her career plans because she couldn’t afford school, food, and an unwanted child to lend them the money, right?