And We’ll Pitch In To Pay For Extra Luggage So You Can Take Your Crap Outta Here

August 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

After the members of Westboro Baptist Church threatened to picket Robin Williams funeral, Australian comedian Adam Hills offered to buy them all tickets to Iraq.

Hills pointed out that the infamous “God Hates Fags” group is quick to march around with signs protesting American hedonism, but don’t have the courage to protest the daily persecution Christians in Iraq are facing at the hands of “the people threatening to behead Christians if they don’t convert.”

And the folks at Westboro, who have all had something strange done to their brains, accept.

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Seriously, they accept.

Then they claim to have picketed in Iraq before.  “Google it.”  I did.  Apparently Iraqi News missed that one.

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I hope the tickets are one way.


Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And We’ll Pitch In To Pay For Extra Luggage So You Can Take Your Crap Outta Here”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Maybe they can get a connecting flight through Damascus.

  2. Mary Margaret says:

    Where can I contribute to the ticket fund? I think the whole congregation needs to go. Alas, I only have enough for a one-way ticket.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    What exactly did they protest in Iraq? The fact that we destroyed a whole country to protect our oil which somehow ended up under their ground? The fact that we killed a zillion or so innocent folks? I say ONE WAY TICKETS ONLY and a signed airtight contract saying nobody else is allowed to pay for their return flight. Cranky in Austin.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Have they gone yet? Will hold off on the celebration, until they’ve departed.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    My best advice to them is to forget about the water and mind their topknots. That and make me the beneficiary of triple indemnity life insurance if they lose their heads.

  6. They may be at risk of losing their heads, but their minds have been lost for quite some time. They say that a brain is a terrible thing to waste, but in their case, not so much.

  7. Sister Artemis says:

    I love the idea, and would consider contributing to their ticket costs, but I fear they’ll take the WBC kids with them….

    Though I have picked my share of fun at the WBC’s expense, I do have to admit, this sort of worries me. I think they’re serious, and I think they have no idea what they’d be getting themselves into, and it would not go well.

    Beheadings aren’t funny, and neither is religious persecution – real religious persecution, which I suspect the WBC and other rather silly American right-wing extremists have no clue about.

    But perhaps the effort will go some ways towards making at least a few WBC members think about what they’re doing, and how ridiculous their stance is in today’s rather cruel world. Maybe.

  8. screecherguy says:

    Relax, everybody. Westboro thought y’all was talking about Iraq, Utah.

  9. Get the tickets to Iran instead of Iraq. The the members of Westboro Baptist may not even notice. There’s a lot of words in the Bible they ignore, so a single letter would be even easier to miss.

    And if the round trip tickets were to Iran, that’s as good as a one way once they break out their signs in Tehran.

    I doubt anyone in the State Department will lose any sleep trying to get them back.

  10. On the one hand, Westboro is a family church meaning every member is also related to the founder. This church is so cray-cray they could not recruit from any other source except family.

    On the other hand, to spend a lifetime from birth listening to this hate speech from a family authority figure will require gallons of brain bleach to clear up. And even that might not be enough to make these succeeding generations even somewhat normal.

  11. daChipster says:

    Actually, we ought to fly them into Damascus and let them make their way from there to ISIS territory. They can protest the Syrian rebels on the way.

    I’m surprised they would protest those any of those folks, anyway. They share so many commonalities about the role of women, the hatred of gays, etc etc.

    Why don’t we set up one of those crowd-sourcing things with the legally binding contractual stipulation that they make their way to ISIS territory and actually protest ISIS folks? If they fail to get anywhere near ISIS, they owe the money back.

    If they refuse to go, or if they don’t fully execute the mission and they owe us the funds back… donate the proceeds to AIDs research.

  12. Make the tickets non-refundable so they can’t turn them in for cash!

    They support themselves by suits against those who oppose them and have been winning, so to give them a refundable ticket is another cash cow benefit.

  13. carol benjamin says:

    Where can I make my donation?

  14. According to this, the comedian decided not to have their deaths on his hands and instead donated the funds to a life-affirming group, St. Judes, One of Robin William’s favorite charities.

  15. Star, I knew this was too good to be true! Damn!

  16. I admit, I love the idea of funding their transportation out of this country with a “do not return” in the arrangement…or finding another way to transform all their hate rants to something life-affirming and inclusive, but sending them into a lion’s den is not something I’d really condone. Because I sure don’t believe they have God on their side so it would be a slaughter.

    A friend posted on facebook a “if you could absolutely abolish just one thing, what would it be.” Some really interesting responses–including hate-mongers/fear-mongers. For me, I’d like to abolish world-wide “willful ignorance.” Do you think all the willfully ignorant would be raptured or just get a change of brain chemistry?

  17. Star, love the idea of abolishing willful ignorance. Then everybody who tries to make someone’s life a misery with one Bible (or Koran) verse has to live by ALL of them, and everybody who claims that climate change isn’t happening and isn’t our fault will get as much public and government influence as flat-earthers.

    I don’t care if they’re raptured or re-chemicaled; I just want their loud and destructive voices gone.

  18. Dang. I thought we finally had a chance here to watch Stoopid actually be lethal.

  19. UmptyDump says:

    I have to agree with Star. Much as I can sympathize with the idea of Westboro Baptist Church members flying to their richly merited earthly retribution, the idea of being associated with their certain death strikes me as not very Christian behavior. And I’m not one who claims to be a good Christian, although I have always admired Christians who endeavor to live the virtues exemplified in what the world is told about the life of Jesus.

  20. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Did Dick Cheney tell them they’d be welcomed as liberators?

  21. daChipster says:

    I have no compunction about the lethally alliterative cocktail of hate, homophobia and the hamartia of holy hubris leading these people to their eternal reward sooner rather than later, and if I can be their travel agent to Hassakeh, heaven or hell, well, I’m just God’s humble instrument of justice.

    Or Darwin’s avenger. Either way….

    Assyria later, Westboro!

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Send dick cheney along as translator. They’ll welcome us with open arms. Yeah,sure they will. Excellent return of serve,maryelle.

  23. Seriously?! You guys think the WBC are going to protest ISIS? They’re not protesting our government or our wars, they’re protesting at funerals…usually those who’ve died as military members and civilians like Robin Williams. They protest because they’re evil, hateful people; not because they’re trying to change the world for the better. They’d go to Iraq and harass the civilians being threatened and killed by ISIS; whether it’s at their funerals or as they’re fleeing. Having said that, I hope they do go and I hope they meet their end there.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wonderful suggestions, ya’ll. If we cannot as daChipster says, “leading these people to their eternal reward sooner rather than later,” we need a little Caesar’s justice at home for the Phelps clan. While I support their first amendment rights, they need to pay a tax when they march, as they and their route need to be followed by a modified water truck spraying water and bleach behind their every foot step, followed by sweeper units.

    Albeit, I’m not channeling James Madison or anyone, but that ‘freedom of religion’ thing has been so abused by those who profit from it most.

    Can we try it one more time? You, whoever you may be, are free in the USA to practice your religion. But you are not free to impose your superstitions upon the rest of us. And, for the goddesses sake please do not bring your Unholy Wars to us to sort out and police. Please, go freely to your church, synagogue, mosque, sweat lodge, etc and come out happy/cleansed and at peace.

    But, for real, stay out of politics/governance in any of your drive to impose your will on others. Birth control? Abortion? Marriage equality? Name the issue; it does not involve you. It really doesn’t. Where in equal rights law do you see anything that suggests you have to have an abortion, take birth control or be gay married? Please, sincerely enjoy the freedoms you have in the USA to practice your religion, but for the love of your spiritual choice, respect the rights of everyone to make their own choices.

    America: Freedom of Religion and Freedom from Religion.

  25. They wouldn’t have the collective nerve to even look at the airplane, much less get on it. Cowards, the whole bunch of ’em.

  26. gabberflasted says:

    Polite Kool, very well said.

  27. I liked both what Star and Polite Kool had to say. It reminds me of what a counselor said to me once when I was ranting about something/someone. She said, “Don’t wish them harm. Karma will come to them soon enough. Wishing them harm brings bad karma to you, too.” So I try to pray for enlightenment, understanding, and love of all even if I wouldn’t miss certain groups of folks who sow hate and fear.
