And…. We Have Another Date
The Texas Lege only meets for three months every two years. That’s plenty enough.
During those three months, no man, woman, child or sheep is safe in Texas. One thing you can be sure of: somebody is gonna get screwed. It’s highly likely it’s gonna be you.
Texas had a corrupt and semi-insane Speaker of the House for damn near a decade named Tom Craddick. Last session, Democrats joined with a handful of Republicans who have actually read the Constitution and elected Republican Joe Strauss as Speaker. By all accounts, he did a good job.
“We cannot be having that,” Juanita grins. “Doing a good job is certainly outside the Republican Party Platform.”
So Republicans, fresh from their victory of electing some of the inmates at the Mental Health Institute to the State Lege, have decided that Strauss has got to go.
There searched far and wide for some dirt on Strauss they could throw at him so they could elect one of the inmates as Speaker. This is the best they could do. Strauss is a Jew.
“By the looks of things, you’d think he was a drug pushing, unwed mother on welfare, crack ho, agenda toting homosexual, public school supporting, abortion doctor who once voted Democratic while driving an American made car,” Juanita reports. “They don’t like him because he’s not a Christian and these are people who have levels of Christian. I mean, they don’t even count Episcopalians as real Christians, and they are highly suspect of Methodists. Unitarians are going to hell and taking Catholics with them. That’s their attitude.”
“He’s just Jewish. That’s not against the law. Even in Texas,” she exclaims. “Okay, maybe in Lubbock. You never know about Lubbock.”
So, you’re in for a real treat. The Texas Lege is going to be called into session the day after the Tom DeLay sentencing hearing. It’s gonna be fireworks at both places. Juanita loves fireworks. And hullabaloo. She’s real big on hullabaloo.
“God willing and the creek don’t rise, we’ll be on the scene for both of them,” Juanita smiles.