And We Are So Honored

August 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Charles Pierce wrote in Esquire Magazine this month about the vast number of crazy people serving in congress.

He mentions California Congresskook Tom McClintock who pretty much said there is no white collar crime.

At a town hall meeting in El Dorado Hills, California on Tuesday, a constituent asked McClintock for his “stance on Wall Street criminal practices.” The congressman responded, “Well first of all, for a criminal practice there has to be a gun. It’s pretty simple.”

He also talks about Steve Stockman in Texas, of course, who is a serial liar and now rodeo clown entrepreneur.

But the Crazy People Emperor for Life?  Louie Gohmert.

And we are indeed honored.

Thanks to Just Suze for the heads ups and John for the art.

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0 Comments to “And We Are So Honored”

  1. A crown? For Louie? NO! It should be a beanie with a propeller!

  2. Ah, so the honorable Mr. McClintock does not believe that one can be robbed with a fountain pen….

  3. Mr. McClintock, Don Corleone would disagree with you about needing a gun. Briefcases are far superior.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Muckrakers are too. Remember John D. Rockefeller, owner of Standard Oil, the pretty much perfect guy who loved his family, went to church every Sunday, gave lots of money to charities? He just had this one annoying habit: he destroyed small oil companies. Ida Tarbell happened to be the daughter of someone whose oil company Rockefeller ruined. She made a life work of investigating Rockefeller and Standard Oil. Just think, maybe y’all are muckrakers and just haven’t noticed.

  5. Here’s a list of the top 10 white collar criminals in jail as of 2009 []. Go to the website to see the billions of dollars in damage they did. This is just a snapshot of the info there.

    Former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards – racketeering for manipulating licensing of Louisiana riverboat casinos
    Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff – defrauded Indian tribes and corruption of public officials
    Enron CFO Andrew Fastow – fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy
    CA Republic Representative Randy “Duke” Cunningham – rec’d bribes from military contractors and tax evasion
    HealthSouth Chairman and CO Richard Scrushy – bribery and mail fraud for scheme to get a spot on the state regulatory panel
    Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio – insider trading
    Founder of Adelphia Comm, John and son Timothy Riga – bank, wire, and securities fraud; embezzled from corporate investors and used corporation funds as their personal funds
    Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling – fraud, insider trading
    WorldCom CEO Bernard Ebbers – false financial reporting and defrauding investors
    Bernard Madoff – Ponzi scheme

  6. daChipster says:

    That photo reminded me of this song:

    Just need a little brain salad surgery
    Got to cure this insecurity
    I been in the wrong place
    But it must have been the right time
    I been in the right place
    But it must have been the wrong song
    I been in the right vein
    But it seems like the wrong arm
    I been in the right world
    But it seems wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Nice crown.

    At least it covers the big old hole in his head.

  8. mike from iowa says:

    Compared to rwnj,Dr. John looked and dressed like a nice,normal Human Being,even if he was weird.

  9. As a Californian who used to be “represented” by McClintock before districts were redrawn, I can confirm that he lives up to the high standards of Texas loonies.

  10. ks sunflower says:

    A simple definition from a simpleton. Good grief, who votes for these idiots>

    Or, maybe I should ask – who doesn’t get off their duffs to vote these goofs out of office?

  11. So guns= criminals. Has the NRA heard about this? Given the pervasiveness of firearms, chances are most of those white collars had them, just didn’t need to use them. Reminds me of the “Car Talk” law firm of Dewey Cheatem and Howe.

  12. Maryelle, when it comes to law firms you just can’t beat Hellspitandamn.

    They work cheap.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    Is it because a lot of corporate crooks wear pastel shirts?

  14. Odd how the Rethugs keep trying to make a civil case into a criminal and vicey versa! Them do flip a lot!
