And Water is Wet

November 02, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Politico has something they call “news.”

Donald Trump’s attorneys saw a direct appeal to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as their best hope of derailing Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidential election, according to emails newly disclosed to congressional investigators.

“We want to frame things so that Thomas could be the one to issue some sort of stay or other circuit justice opinion saying Georgia is in legitimate doubt,” Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro wrote in a Dec. 31, 2020, email to Trump’s legal team. Chesebro contended that Thomas would be “our only chance to get a favorable judicial opinion by Jan. 6, which might hold up the Georgia count in Congress.”

I know I’m just stunned that anyone would think Thomas and his wife might be willing to step outside judicial ethics to help Trump. What gave anyone that idea?

Babe, if you need need conspiracy in writing, the Trump lawyer brigade is suited-up and ready to play.

On the other hand, if your best chance at anything is Clarence Thomas, you’re screwed.


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0 Comments to “And Water is Wet”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    And it’s no shocking revelation that Justice Mr Ginni Thomas issued a stay in support of trumpf’s request to stop the release of his tax returns to the House. His hope is this stay will delay things until the House is in repugnantican hands and the request (and all other things corrupt and criminal in trumpf’s world) will just go away. Who would ever say the supreme court is illegitimate?

  2. They should have put Anita Hill on the court. She was the smart one.

  3. IF the slug was to *actually* pay his lawyers – or ANYONE for instance ………………….

  4. One of my favorite commentators, Charles P. Pierce, calls Politico “Tiger Beat on the Potomac.”

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I misspoke last night- it was Roberts not Thomas that stayed release of trumpf’s tax returns to the house. Sorry. It’s pretty clear the R supremes want to delay and bow down to trumpf until they can run out the clock.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I always knew Thomas was (let’s be polite) out of his depth as he sat there year after year. Remember the time he asked a question during oral arguments and it made the news? But until last year I never realized how profoundly corrupt he is. Only Reagan and his crew could consider him a replacement for Thurgood Marshall.

    Isn’t there a bill kicking around to require SCOTUS justices to retire at a certain age?

  7. Biden and the Dems, Pack the F’ing SCROTUS! ASAP

    And as for the rest of the indictable Rethuglikans, Lock Them Up! All of them!

  8. After he passes they will try to replace him with Hershel Walker

  9. Catherine Riley says:

    I posted this earlier today on a dailykos diary about the Terrible Thomas Team (My term):
    The entire reason Thomas was put on the SCOTUS was to rub the noses of everyone in the fact that he is distinctly unqualified to sit in the seat held with such honor by Thurgood Marshall. It was to have a black man undo every advancement that had been made in favor of people of color because he is a self hating, poorly aspected bigot married to a white woman to prove that black people are not good enough for him in private or in the law. He is poison in the body politic and has been busy killing whatever he can reach.

  10. I think Thomas is exceptionally bitter that a white man had his thumb on every move he made in those early years (or more obviously didn’t make) and has been spitting venom ever since.

  11. Leolajeanne says:

    To TexasTrailerParkTrash: I think Charlie gave up on Politico awhile back. He hasn’t used that term in a while. I kinda gave up on them too– they tend to be whiny and full of bothsideserism. But I read Charlie every day–always want to know what he thinks…
    As for Tin Horn Thomas and Ginny the Big, we are all paying for the courage of Anita Hill still. Revenge is all he wants, and she wants her hero, the Orange Monster, to love her. What a pair of vengeful toads. As for Roberts, he’s like the schoolteacher that forgot he was the adult in the room. He has no idea about anything, but he never has, from crowning GWB on…He and Keg Boy make a lovely team. The other one wants to be pope and have slaves. Preferably women, licking his boots and bearing him children. Buncha hopeless liars, all six of ’em.
