And Those Are Your Choices, Students!

August 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think Ted Cruz meant well with his back-to-school newsletter.  I do.  I think the poor man is just so disconnected from reality that he has no idea what he sounds like.  He sounds like a rich Canadian man totally disconnected from reality.

You can read his whole newsletter here, but if you can only take Ted Cruz in small doses, I’ve provided a picture of what he tells students that they can become if they study hard enough.


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So, if you’re a girl you can start a cosmetic company and exploit women in some pyramid scheme where the best thing in the world is a pink Cadillac.  If you’re a boy you can be pot smoking country star, or a guy who invented a way to destroy the environment.

Please note that all three of these people are white.  Whites are a minority in Texas public schools.   None are disabled.  8.4% of Texas students are disabled.

However, at least one of them is a Democrat.



Thanks to Lucy for the heads up.

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