And This Is Why We Didn’t Ever Elect Him President
Senator Mitt Romney says he won't block vote on Trump's SCOTUS nominee
— Morgan Fairchild (@morgfair) September 22, 2020
I used to think that all these Republicans just followed the vile and immoral Donald Trump because they were afraid of him. They were scared of being the butt of a mean Tweet. I used to think they were just cowards.
I had a talk last night with a really intuitive and smart person I know and I have decided I was wrong about that.
They are Trump. Trump has given them permission to be who they are and then to hide behind their fear of him. They prefer to be seen as cowards than who they really are.
They truly like what they are doing. They are enjoying themselves.
It is better to be seen as a coward than the rotting carcasses of men they are.
And now I’m going to get another cup of coffee.