And This Is How You Know It’s Texas
A new poll released Thursday by the Texas Lyceum found Trump is leading the primary contest among registered Texas voters with 21 percent. Following in second place in Texas is Cruz with 16 percent of respondents in the poll. But if Trump were to drop out of the race before the March primary, the poll found almost 40 percent of his Texas supporters would support Cruz. Twenty-four percent of Trump’s supporters would head for former neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s camp, and the rest of his support would be divided up amongst the vast Republican field.
So, that means Texas Republicans pick the wildbutt crazy guy, the guy nobody likes or respects, or the completely insane guy, in that order.
As our friend John says, considering how well they gather nuts year round, the symbol for the Texas Republican party should be the squirrel.
That was Rick Perry’s problem all along. He was dumb instead of totally insane. Well, he is a little crazy but just not crazy enough.