And They’re Off…

February 16, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

South Carolina’s governor Nikki Haley has officially chimed in as the first TFGist to try to out-TFG TFG as she announced her candidacy in the 2024 presidential.

There are sure to be a score more.

But crafty ol’ Nikki executed an early end around this week as she had on stage San Antonio Texas’ own Pastor John Hagee to introduce her in a rally this past Wednesday.

Pastor of the Cornerstone Church in SA, Hagee has been the darling of Republican politics when he has not been called out for giving Adolf Hitler credit for Jewish repopulation of The Holy Land.

In 2008, presidential candidate John McCain disavowed Hagee’s support for that little bit of anti-semitism.

But that tidbit of information, which has been common knowledge for years now, has not fazed Haley, who gladly accepted his ringing endorsement and admitted that she wants to be Hagee “when [she] grow[s] up”.

Haley is 51 years old.

So Nikki Haley scored the first coup of the pre-presidential. With Hagee clearly in her corner, who could be next? Could it be David Duke or Viktor Orban?

Could it be…Satan?

0 Comments to “And They’re Off…”

  1. So when Nikki grows up she wants to become a misogynistic, homophobic aldulterer? Truly inspiring.

  2. slipstream says:

    Oh look, the children are squabbling again:

    Anybody got popcorn?

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Isn’t Nimrata from South Carolina? So why is the almighty She Dawg in the Sky punishing south Texas with a meteor strike?

    Nevuhmind. Paxton, Abbott, Cornyn, Cruz, Crenshaw (to name a few) are sufficient cause.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Well, bless her heart.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The repugnantican 2024 presidential race will be a contest of who can survive being eaten by other candidates….and the conservative pundits based on the attachment in slipstream’s post. Her apparent infatuation with this Hagee cult leader character is very telling.

  6. I’ve long believed that the first woman president would be a Republican. I truly hope I am wrong, but I can’t shake my conviction.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    You know that poem about bigger fleas having little fleas and so on ad infinitum? Nikki has ’em.
