And They Call Him “Your Honor”

May 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mississippi justice sometimes seems to be an oxymoron.

Judge Bill Weisenberger, a county court judge in Mississippi found himself in a flea market and found a young mentally disabled man helping people unload their wares to display.  He worked for tips to try to buy a bicycle.

The Judge felt the necessity to address the young man thusly,

Screen Shot 2014-05-27 at 9.00.28 AMCathy Hendrix, a vendor at the Flea Market, told the Clarion-Ledger that on May 8, she saw Rivers standing on the sidewalk asking if vendors needed help unloading and loading vehicles. “That young man was wanting to work to earn money to buy a bike.”

Hendrix’s sister, Tammy Westbrook, said she saw Weisenberger “rear back and slap” Rivers twice before yelling “Run, boy, run,” and “Run, n*gger, run” as the young man bolted away. She said Weisenberger bragged about what he had done afterward.

The judge, of course, is a Republican.  He took down his campaign website after this event, but the URL is TheJusticeJudgedotcom.  You’ll note that he does not say how much justice.  Maybe he used it all up the week before and needed some ying to his justice yang.

Hey Mississippi, straighten up and fly right.  Or left.  Maybe you need to fly left.

Thanks to 1smartcanerican for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And They Call Him “Your Honor””

  1. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Away. Fly *away*

  2. I think I read on another website, that the ONLY qualification to be a “Judge” in Mississippi……. is a high school education.

    No wonder folks in Mississippi continue to live in the last century. The uneducated inmates are running the asylum.

    He should be disbarred.

  3. Oh wait….. Sorry…. he never went to law school.

    So, maybe….. at the least impeached…… or whatever the process is in the Great State of Mississippi to remove racists and idiots from the bench.

    Should have already happened.

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    “Miserable creature must find other creature to make miserable. Then feel better.” Boris the Borzoi.

  5. Charlie says:

    You are tying yourself in a knot…being a “racist idiot” are the only qualifications for the bench!

  6. Larry McLaughlin says:

    May the Lord strike me dead if I EVER visit the south again.

  7. He also doesn’t deal well with women, telling one woman vendor there that he wanted to talk to her husband instead – that he didn’t talk with women.

  8. This so-called judge should be addressed as “Your Racist Horror.”

  9. He was walking around outside without his keepers. You know, those guys in the hospital uniforms carrying the armless sweater.

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Why didn’t anyone call the police on him after he assaulted the kid and threatened to use his “power” to make a lady park further away?

    Sounds like the town bully.

  11. And this guy hasn’t been arrested for assault because . . . ?

  12. donquijoterocket says:

    @ Larry McGlaughlin #6- I’ve a long time friend Viet vet Army Ranger who had the misfortune to be assigned to a post in the old confederacy on his return from Asia. He claims the greatest mistake Abraham Lincoln made was in calling off General Sherman too soon.Had he met this specimen he’d have introduced the critters head and shoulders to his own excretory orifice. Nothing below the Moron/Dixon line ever has to worry about me appearing and some places above it like Missouri.

  13. maryelle says:

    That was assault and with the expletives, makes it a hate crime. Not too late to charge that cretin and put him off the bench.
    Gawd Amighty, they’re crawlin’ out from under the rocks.

  14. Teh Gerg says:

    Obama Derangement Syndrome has allowed racism that had been driven underground to raise its shameless, hypocritical head again. What will it take to bury it again?

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Teh Gerg, I recommend we forgo the corporatist D in 2016. Sec/Sen Clinton terrifies the GOP, while I admit her policies cause me pause.

    I say bring it on and nominate our beautiful FLOTUS, Michelle Obama in 2016. Black, beautiful and intelligent female. Let the clown cart wrap their axles around that.

    President Obama steamed the boil to the surface. Let’s lance the pus heads and elect a black woman!

  16. PKM, I like your idea.

  17. Why no assault charges? If he were here in Colorado, I know many folk who would volunteer to take him for a long ride in the “Dobies”, where he could be deposited in order to gain a better understanding of Karmic Justice- up close and personal, from scary wildlife.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    I’m glad I was at the polling place all day yesterday. If I’d read this yesterday I mighta had to go home and weep and wail awhile. Does John Grisham have any new novels about THIS? It would be a replay but still.

  19. Zyxomma says:

    Edward Starsmith, thanks for the link. Family members of the young autistic man who was slapped (and worse) are pressing charges.

  20. Elise Von Holten says:

    Thank Goodness they are pressing charges! I just came in from talking to our neighbors, whom I learned just today have an autistic son ( with a degree from SU–brilliant underneath the outward stuff) and they are practicing Muslims, and we my partner and I are Jewish. I stopped to talk to them because I wanted to offer to be a stopgap person if they didn’t have coverage ( I have taken care of all types of people in my care home business back in CA) because he should be supervised in some general ways to keep him from being scared. I just became a Facebook friend to a young (black) man who works at the grocery store, who wants to learn more and I’m lending him some books and talking to him about politics, life and such…he is wanting to run for office and change the world but needs a push…reading this makes me weep for the south–I have no idea how to heal this, I know the answer is love, but that eye for an eye thing ( which was a HUGE step up from burning down the whole village because you were “dissed” by
    Events–honor killings anyone…) sure looks attractive when you hear this because it’s bystander violence, and we are helpless in that…any one know how to set up a fund to get him a bike? I’ll give 5 bucks–which is what I can afford with all the different political things I’m (for the first time in my life) donating to…turn the whole damn country blue!

  21. So the family of the victim is pressing charges. Good!!! Old Judge Entitlement needs to get one hell of a legal wedgie and put someplace where he can’t hurt anyone. Yes, about that idea of contributing to the cost of a bike for the young man, I would like to hear more about how this could be done.
