And There Are Still People Out There Who Doubt That Tucker Carlson Was Not Raised In A Barn. By Wolves.

June 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh lookie here.  Isn’t this cute?  Bow Tie Boy is trying to be relevant again.

Tucker Carlson praised his reporter who acted like a rabid dog at the White House press conference, interrupting the President.

Carlson, who said he was on the plane during the president’s speech and didn’t know that Munro planned to heckle the president during his remarks about a major immigration policy shift, added that he was “of course” not mad at the reporter’s behavior.

During Obama’s speech about the administration’s move to stop the deportation of young illegal immigrants that meet certain criterion, the president was interrupted by Munro, who shouted, “Why’d you favor foreigners over Americans?”

Tucker Carlson, editor of the Daily Caller, is not only defending reporter Neil Munro for interrupting President Obama’s speech at the Rose Garden on Friday, but is praising him for refusing to be just another “stenographer.”

Stenographer?  Oh, you mean like Edward R Murrow or Walter Cronkite, both of whom never interrupted the President of the United Damn States of America when he was speaking?  You mean like them?

You mean those Tucker Carlson wannbes like Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, Peter Jennings, or Brian Williams?

Carlson, go back to sleep.  Nobody is listening to you.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “And There Are Still People Out There Who Doubt That Tucker Carlson Was Not Raised In A Barn. By Wolves.”

  1. TexasEllen says:

    Wolves have a social structure. Likely Tucker was raised by a lone wolverine with issues.

  2. He looks like he still needs raising. How old is he? 12? That might account for his pre-adolescent behavior.
    Whoever (Whomever?) raised him taught him nothing about scale and proportion in fashion. That bow tie looks like it might fit on a 12-year-old. I think I’m being redundant here.

  3. I wonder if the rock these slime creatures crept out from under is red and polkadot to match the bowtie. Precious.

  4. The man who heckled the President of the United States yesterday was rude, crude, and unprofessional. He was no “journalist” he was a heckler.

    And….. like Tucker Carlson, he needs a new tailor. Pictures I saw of him …… looks like he slept in his suit.

    I would suspect the days of “The Daily Caller” having White House press credentials……. are over.

    No one with any sense of decorum (or any common sense) would interrupt the President of the United States….during a speech.

    Do you remember the last time a white, Republican President was heckled during a speech????

    Me neither.

  5. The bow tie I have no problem with. I’ve known some fine men who wore them. However they had fine manners, too.

    This guy, doesn’t.

    I’m afraid I must agree with TexasEllen, JJ. Wolves would have smacked this one down until he learned his manners. Not so sure about coyotes or hyenas, though. Or, even worse, he was raised by parents who never told him “no.”

  6. Sandy Havens says:

    Texas Ellen, at a very young age one of the things I learned about wolverines was that whatever they couldn’t eat they s–t upon. So I think you are correct.

  7. Miemaw, while I can’t say that I “remember the last time a white, Republican President was heckled during a speech.” I can remember when one was hit with a shoe….

    Still point well taken, this President has been forced to put up with more disrespect than any President I can remember. From “Liar!” during the State of the Union Address to this, it is just one unending series of disgraceful reactions from the right to the fact that they lost the damn election.

    Hell, we were respectful (probably more than we should have been), when GWB stole the election in 2000 and we damn well had a right to be angry about that one!

    I mourn the lack of civil discourse in this country, from shout shows to rant radio, to a House and Senate that are out of control and would not know what a compromise looked like if it bit them on the hiney. This is just another sad chapter, in the long list of undignified, irresponsible actions the right has taken since 2008.

    For what it is worth, I hope Tucker crawls back under the rock that was his home following his departure from the last round of Crossfire.

  8. This is getting old. Never have I seen a Predsident so disrespected. Do not tell me it’s not because he’s black. He always takes the high road – but just once, I wish he would punch them in the face.

    Repugs are like spoiled children that are allowed to run loose in restaurants, running into waiters and other patrons, screaming, while their parents sit there oblivious to the chaos.

    Loved it when I saw George Clooney answer a reporter on the red carpet, when he was asked something about “Obama”. He said, “That’s PRESIDENT Obama to you.”

  9. Kate oDubhagain says:

    I always thought he was raised by fire ants…

  10. Looks like Tucker (oh I do so want to start his name with an F) needs to take some of his trust fund and buy a few lessons in manners for himself and his “reporter.” Obviously neither his parents nor his nannies had any luck with teaching him any.

    Deb, I can understand the guy who threw the shoe. I would feel that way too if some (insert your favorite derogatory expression here) had my country bombed to He.. uh, smitereens and back based on a bald faced lie just to give bidness to his oil buddies.

  11. cairocat says:

    The shoe incident happened in Iraq and the show thrower was an Iraqi journalist. Hardly a comparable situtation.

  12. cairocat says:

    I thought y’all might enjoy these comments on the Munro interruption:

    Shortly after Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro interrupted President Barack Obama’s remarks on changes in immigration policy Friday, Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson suggested to The Huffington Post that the reporter’s actions were similar to those of former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson during the Reagan years.
    But Donaldson, remembered for his aggressive questioning during the Reagan years and for sparring with White House press secretaries as an ABC News correspondent, rejected the comparison to Munro.
    “Never once did I interrupt a president in any way while he was making a formal statement, a speech, honoring awardees or in any other way holding the floor. Yes, almost always when he was finished in the Rose Garden or in the Briefing Room or at a photo opportunity with other world leaders I tried to question him and other reporters of course did the same thing along with me.
    What this man did yesterday is something new, to me wrong and unusual. I think it is probably the result of the growing incivility of the times, the competition among reporters and news organizations to be noticed not only for the work product but for the theatrics of the gathering…and there is one more factor, let’s face it: Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices and political view but for who he is, an African American!
    These people and perhaps even certain news organizations (certainly the right wing talkers like Limbaugh) encourage disrespect for this president. That is both regrettable and adds, in this case, to the general dislike of the press on the part of the general public.
    Numerous political journalists quickly criticized Munro for his outburst during Obama’s prepared remarks, including on Fox News, where Carlson is a contributor. Fox News host Chris Wallace said the interruption was “outrageous” and different than the way Donaldson did his job in the 1980s.
    “I covered Ronald Reagan for six years with Sam Donaldson,” Wallace said. “We used to scream our lungs out asking questions, but we always waited until the president, any president, had finished speaking.”
    Munro, who serves as the Daily Caller’s White House correspondent, said in a statement that he “timed the question believing the president was closing his remarks, because naturally I have no intention of interrupting the President of the United States.”

    Yeah. Right.

  13. Jose Orta says:

    Munro is himself a foreign worker. Neil Munro was born in Ireland and working in Washington D.C. on a green card. How’s that for ironic?

  14. Tucker Carlson is as phoney as his bow tie.

  15. Carlson is the ugly priggish frat boy that no-one really likes
    but is trying to look big and brave, ending up making a fool of himself – again. Remember the time John Stewart took him down a few pegs?

  16. I’ve got no problem with bow ties; pediatricians often wear them so, if they get peed on, they can change their shirts and use the same tie. Peeing on the President is something else entirely, though. As far as Tucker Carlson is concerned: he could go to the best tailor on Savile Row and come out the best-dressed horse’s patootie in the world.
