And Then There’s The Animal With the Cork Still In It

August 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Huckabee, that bastion of Christian non-judgmental tolerance,  made little Baby Jesus cry today.  He said on his radio show that Muslims use holy days to be violent.

So the Muslims will go to the mosque, and they will have their day of prayer, and they come out of there like uncorked animals — throwing rocks and burning cars.

Uncorked animals?  Really?

He later adds that he didn’t mean “all” Muslims.  I guess he just means the ones who pray.

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Then There’s The Animal With the Cork Still In It”

  1. Oh . . . Put a cork in it, Mike!

  2. Mikey the Huckster needs to put a cork in his owndamnedself!

  3. maryelle says:

    Huckabee is his own worst enemy…corks not withstanding.

  4. Elise Von Holten says:

    Wow! Having been lucky enough to be in Egypt during Ramadan, I can say that this so called “Kristian”, and that’s with a capital “K”, nitwit is very symbolic of his right-wing age group…(no matter how much I try to explain–gently–to my mother that telling my Jewish partner to “just give to Jesus” doesn’t go over really well with my family…she can’t see outside the narrow confines of her experience in AZ and now Ca–rich places to live, even though we were poor) and since facts and truth doesn’t move them, only their “faith”, I often have to ask, faith in what? Your own salvation that gives you the right to oppress, hound, kill others because they don’t believe like you do? What a maroon…what I saw with my own eyes were a devout people that during their holy month stopped everything–the cars stopped on the roads, shops closed–so they could pray. And when a young boy assaulted me verbally–you didn’t need to know the language to “get it”,
    an older gentleman pulled him up by his ear (oh, ow!) and gave him a tounge lashing! So I don’t buy much of what the “focus on Family” types are dishing out they are listening to the dissonce in their brains and thinking that it’s applause because of the buzzing noise…

  5. #8 Thou shalt not bear false witness.
    What we have here is a commandment breaking Christian, speaking in tongues, about imaginary Muslims.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    I’m working on a novel. It’s the hardest work I’ve ever done. I have to watch every single word i put in. I’d suggest that radio show folks oughta go and do likewise: watch every word they say. As my granddaddy said (all together, now, I know I’ve said it before) never put anything in writing you don’t want read in court. Prolly the same goes for radio and TV folks.

  7. The idea of ‘uncorked animals’ calls forth a dim memory of the farmer who wanted to maximize the weight of his pig before selling it. He therefore ‘corked’ it and let it eat. It eventually came ‘uncorked’ and I suspect the result was a pile of Texan Republicans. 🙂

  8. Left Coast Crone says:

    @Elise Von Holten –I’m not sure what you mean by “right-wing age group.” Huckabee is 57 years old. I’m in my very late 60s, my children are in their 40s and 50s and none of us are “right-wing.” I don’t believe Juanita Jean is a spring chicken herownself. Let us not make blanket judgments, huh?

  9. I would bet that some day the Huck will end up blaming all his misbehavior on Ted Nugent.

  10. Corinne Sabo says:

    What is an uncorked animal? None of mine have corks. Am I in danger?

  11. CerealCitySue says:

    Dear lord, that Huckleberry person is ignorant. That’s pretty much all the words I want to waste on him.

    Now, on the more interesting subject of uncorked animals: I had my cat neutered. But where am I supposed to put the cork? I’m pretty sure Grover wouldn’t put up with that.

    Being uncorked probably has a calming effect on most animals. Yet another example of the Huckleberry’s ignorance. Rats, more wasted words.

  12. I believe that only animals of a superior vintage are corked. Most of us commoners have to settle for animals with screw tops.

  13. If Mike was just a tad bit smarter & wiser, he could say the same about the 100 years of violence in Ireland between Catholics & Protestants, known as the original Christians & Reformers. In fact, if Mike would go back a couple thousand years, he’d find history repeating that violence over & over & over again. Agreed, Christians aren’t the only religious groups engaging for centuries in violence.

    I visited Malaysia the year following its historical peace agreement among the Muslims, Hindus & Buddhists – or the indigent Malay natives and two immigrant groups, respectively – all of whom had waged war for 100 years as well. As a result, Malaysia lost all tourist business to Thailand that managed to find peace after many wars waged by 3 different sects of Buddhists.

    The education of Mike Huckabee should begin with “The Trinity” – an excellent book about the 100 years of war among Irish Christians written by Leon Uris. Then he should read “The Red & The Black” about the French clergy prior to the French Revolution, or perhaps read any number of books on Egyptian, Greek & Roman mythology.

    Finally, he should read another of Leon Uris’ excellent books – “The Raj” – to learn something about Islam & the reason why Muslims return to Mecca for a religious pilgrimage, much the same as Catholics make a pilgrimage to the Vatican in Rome or the same as Jews & Christians travel to Jerusalem.

    Mike ~ I sure hope you are reading this so you can get a head start on learning about the role of religion in human social interaction!

  14. JJ ~ Sorry if I went off on a rant like that – just couldn’t stop myself. Something about that whole bunch of ‘born again’ followers of Tim LaHaye’s “Left Behind” philosophy just gets under my skin. I’ll try not to let it happen again. ~ Moms/Eve

  15. What I want to know is…who is the idiot who left these turkeys behind? I have a bone to pick with whoever it is!

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Laughing. I really think Juanita Jean her own self oughta publish some of these comments, like on paper or something. You know. JUANITA JEAN’S JUANDERFUL SAYINGS (I couldn’t think of anything else starting with J.) $12.99 with free shipping if pre-ordered before Thanksgiving.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Moms Hugs, you go right on and talk about good books and what you can read in them. I like hearing about stuff like that.

  18. Thanks, Marge. Glad someone enjoyed it! And, btw, I agree with you that JJ should gather all this material into a book of her ownself. Whoever it is that picked these turkeys’ behinds who are still with us might chuckle hardily while weeping some of that rain full of good nitrogen that farmers could make use of to grow a much better bird for the rest of us that stay behind. Big Hugs to you all cause you all make my day! ~ Moms/Eve

  19. Marti King says:

    Mama Hugs….me too (what Marge Wood said).

  20. Litlhorn says:

    What we see here is a direct result of de-regulation; I knew once them their radio thingamabobs made their way to DogPatch, Lil Abner and the gang would start talking foolishness, like this here evil Huckleberry feller. Whats really pitiful, is that what started as Cartoon Characters, and should remain such, have worked their 1 dimensional way into the National Discourse, lessening all of us.

  21. Yesterday I plopped this into Mike Huckabee’s FB page … haven’t checked to see if it is still there or not but just maybe some of his devout followers dared to look at it. And, of course, if they did … they’d poo-poo it and claim it is false even though it came straight from the Huck’s own lying lips!

  22. @Moms Hugs, I love your “rant”. Keep it up!

  23. Elise Von Holten says:

    Dear Left Coast Crone;
    Sorry if I offended you–I was referring to the Right wing “Kristians”-which are not very Christian–I was raised amongst them for 16 yrs and that was enough…and since you are not that, nor is JJ–I am not referring to you. I am however, talking about James Dobson–a scarier man I have never met, my blood literally ran cold, Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee, one of my high school friends, and my mother–so the age group is late forties on–of the right wing–not you or yours–i reread my post and cannot see how you would thing it referred to you since you say you are NOT right wing…hope that makes it clearer and if it doesn’t I am still sorry that you are unhappy with my life experiences…

  24. He was probably remembering the Christian pograms in Jewish shtetls around Easter in Poland and Russia. Just got his religions mixed up. And his centuries.

  25. Huckabee needs a cork himself, and I’d gladly suggest a location for it. Or maybe more than one.

  26. Ah, the Steeple People, and their so-proclaimed wisemen, leaders, and mouthpieces. Khristians, with a capital K, as in KKK.
