And Then There was the “Love” Thing

October 01, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

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0 Comments to “And Then There was the “Love” Thing”

  1. That is both hilarious and face-palming at the same time.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    The miracle of the air brush. That is the most flattering photograph of Dotard45 or Little Rocket Man ever taken. Evuh! But as BarbinDC suggested: “face-palming.” Face palming disturbing on so many levels. Donnie is smitten and “trust but verify” is out the window.

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Here ya go:

    President Trump said he and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “fell in love.”

    While speaking at a rally for Senate candidate and state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R) in West Virginia, Trump spoke about his evolving relationship with Kim.

    “I was really being tough and so was he,” he said. “And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No really. He wrote me beautiful letters.”

    “They were great letters. And then we fell in love.”

  4. Coprolite says:

    The Appalachians aren’t the best place for a man to declare his love for another man.

  5. Just plain creepy albeit true! In coupling kim jong un and donald trump together what can we come up with. Pardon dangling participle krump.

  6. Well… the their meeting was behind closed doors, with only “translators” present, wasn’t it?

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, in the Sea of Crazy that surrounds Donnie, the narrative is more disturbing than the photo. What sort of crazy says stuff like that? Aloud .. and in front of an audience.

    Rick, is “translators” the new acceptable word substitute for fluffers?

  8. Coprolite, I’ll guarandamntee that RAT45 could shoot Pat Robertson, MikePence, Ms. Lindsey, Nancy P, or anyone else in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, DC, and his slobbering MAGAot followers everywhere wouldn’t blink an eye. SOBOTUS’ professed ‘luv’ for Kimmy won’t bother them a bit, they just figure that Kim is an animal anyway, and like their stump-broke heifers and ewes is A-OK for the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief.

  9. Another good hearty horse laugh for the Assembly at the UN!

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, if RAT45 shot Mike Pence in the Oval Office, I could be tempted to take back half a dozen or so of my less than flattering observations about the old dotard. If he shot his entire maladministration, then turned the gun on himself, would it really be a crime? I’m thinking public service.

  11. That creepy cover should be deeply disturbing as well as unspeakably distasteful. In the political climate the conservatives have fostered since 2010ish, it is neither. I don’t want to be so calcified, but I am. This marks another lowest point for American political discourse.

  12. Nauseating. Gak, gak!

  13. Jane & PKM, Your scenario would be a truly heroic “public service”. Yet somehow I doubt that RAT45 could ever do anything that didn’t have a personally enriching vig attached to it.

  14. Putin is going to throw a hissy-fit.

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, given the coward that is Cadet Bone Spurs, his vig would be a choice: do the right thing or we hand his sorry carcass over to the ladies of The WMDBS, Inc. for proper disposal. Maybe we could sell tickets to raise funds for Texas Democrats, if Representative Maxine Waters would serve as Emcee for the event.

    Rhea, Putie is probably confused as to how his ‘bride’ suddenly became a ‘groom.’

  16. Sounds like a late blooming flamer finding their first love who accepts their cross dressing.

  17. Coprolite for the win.
    Does anybody remember the series of sketches S.N.L. did called Appalachian emergency room?

  18. Let’s hear it for PUBLIC SERVICE!

  19. For some reason the photo above reminded me of this:

    And after the bride didn’t perform as well as was expected, the groom was fired the next year. One can only hope.

  20. @Jane & PKM’s and @Sandridge’s posts on public service remind me of posts about the current president I made when he was merely the conservative’s candidate for potus in 2016. At the time, having read several letters President Lincoln wrote to parents of soldiers KIA, I opined, somewhat seriously, that I would support adding to the Constitutional requirements for POTUS that he or she would have written such letters, as an O-3 or as an O-5, to the parents of soldiers, sailors, Marines, or airmen killed while under his command. I seriously repeat that call. Public service is, or at least should be, more about selflessness than profit.
