And Then There is This…

November 02, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Nigerian army used Donald Trump’s words as an excuse to murder rock throwing protesters in Senegal.  Dear God.

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0 Comments to “And Then There is This…”

  1. As much as I hate 45, I doubt this happened on his idea.

    That being said, it’s no accident they arose in parallel…

  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    When the israelis start blaming their shooting of rock tossers on Trump, we’ll know it’s a “thing.”

    Until then, it’s just a “quinky-dink.”

  3. Okay, so we are getting close to Trump’s America being just another shit-hole country. Or at least acting like just another shit-hole country.

    his words

  4. Charles, five years or so ago, I was watching TV news about the Israeli government taking over land from Palestinians, that is, stealing their homes at the point of Tank Canon. One of the government spokespersons said it was just the same kind of thing the US Government did to Native Americans. Maybe we are closer to being a shit-hole country than we think.

  5. @George in Lee County #4:
    History has a funny way of catching up with us/repeating. The SCOTUS ruling to allow the disenfranchisement of ND Native American voters is just the latest in a long line of actions by the (US/State) government to steal their rights…

  6. @Old Fart, that SCOTUS ruling was one of the more depressing pieces of news in a depressing year. It would seem obvious even to a goat that if many Native Americans in ND have only PO boxes as a mailing address, then a ND law which says that a PO box is an invalid address for voting registration is a law that discriminates specifically against Native Americans, in effect if not (ha!) in intent. Only two justices had as much sense as a goat– Ginsburg and Kagan.

    By the way, the amount of wildlife we have exterminated from the planet since 1970, when I was twelve years old, is up to 60% and the rate shows no signs of slowing. That is THE most depressing news of the year to date.

  7. Our government oppresses anyone they think is a threat and uses the law to steals everything of value that they want, like land rights for geologic minerals and land for geographic/strategic purposes (i.e. Hawaiian indigenous natives).

    I think we are a hair’s breath from the fascist sh!t hole country label. Sadly, our elected officials and the prez are the very face of it. The public better wake up and smell the stench.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Racist runt paws Donnie has given quadrant to violence everywhere. When he declared African nations to be s-hole countries, that was a license to Nigerian potentates to continue their genocidal ways knowing Donnie cares nothing about black on black violence, except to encourage it. His repeated attacks on a free media gave cover to Mohammed Bin Bone Saw to assassinate Jamal Khashoggi.

    Lordy, we didn’t need Michael Cohen to confirm that Donnie is a racist. Donnie did that back in 1999 with a full page ad calling for the death penalty of the Central Park Five who had been fully exonerated by DNA evidence. Who other than a racist moron would do that? Normal people would demand an investigation of the police and court activity that allowed such a miscarriage of justice.

    Back to the 1960’s. President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator/presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in obvious attacks on liberal leaders. Last week we witnessed a resurgence of violence against liberals, when a demented bomber/Donnie follower sent 15 pipe bombs to Democratic leaders.

    Connect the dots? Donnie has provided a solid blood red trail as to where his rhetoric leads. Now if a child throws a rock, Donnie would have the military unlawfully respond with lethal force.

    In the words of Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.” Vote!
