And Then She Gave Him The Finger

January 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to know what bothers me about this picture?

I am a strong opponent of finger wagging and don’t you ever forget that.  However, you wanna know what hacks me off about this?

It’s not that Governor Jan Brewer shook her finger in the face of the President of the United States of America.  Jan Brewer has multiple mental health issues.  People with mental health issues do things like that.

It’s not that she obviously set up this shot so she could look tough.  Hell, if that’s what it takes to look tough, go for it.  President Obama killed Osama bin Laden and gave the go ahead to rescue hostages so he could look tough, but if this is what it takes for you to look tough, please be our guest, Ms. Wimp.

No, what bother me is the black roots.  Woman, if you are going to commit to being a blonde, commit to being a blonde.  You’re going to meet the President and set-up a photo shoot, for goodness sake, get your roots done!  You’re making all blondes look bad and there’s just no damn excuse for that, even when you have mental health issues.

Shame on you, woman.  Black roots.

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