And Then Jesus Said, “Hate One Another.”

March 16, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look, I ain’t no fan of Grover Norquist, which kinda scares me since I found out that Glenn Beck isn’t either.

glennbeckHowever, Glenn and I have different reason.  I don’t like Norquist because he had congressmen sign an oath to help him shrink government to a size where he could drown it in the bathtub.

Glenn doesn’t like Norquist because he’s a secret Muslim.  And he’s also a “very bad man.”

Beck is so alarmed by the danger posed by Norquist that he declared that if this “very bad man” is re-elected to the NRA board, he is going to cancel his membership.

Well, that’s one way to shrink the NRA and drown it in the bathtub.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And Then Jesus Said, “Hate One Another.””

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Actually, I think Grover and Glenn are just having marital difficulties. These too will pass. All will be right, on the Right, when the time is right. It’s that darn Frank Gaffney that has come between these two cuties.

  2. My enemy’s enemy isn’t necessarily my ally.

  3. This outbreak of high profile secret Muslims is something I never saw coming. I wonder if there’s a place that secret Muslims go to hang out… other than the White House, I mean.

  4. Micr, agree with that, but while they are attacking each other we should get well away from the battle. Also we should smile and enjoy the pleasure of watching two despicable people rend each others garments.

  5. charles phillips says:

    I’m more of the opinion that we should egg them on, encourage them carefully. If either drops from sight, it’s a win for lucidity, the crippling arthritis of the extreme right wing.

  6. Everybody on the NRA board is a “very bad man” by definition, but I doubt they’re terrified that Glenn Back will cancel his membership.

    Muslims are the new Commies. Since Cruz is our Joe McCarthy oil-alike, I expect him any day to hold up a blank list of all the Muslims in the State Department.

  7. Ralph Wiggam says:

    This is when I miss the 18th century custom of settling disputes at dawn with flintlock pistols or rapiers. Wouldn’t that be fun!

  8. maryelle says:

    Another case of pots and kettles. They are both bad men among many in the IRA and the Republican party.
    I read a recent article disussing the “cognitive dissonance” of Repugs who predicted dire consequences if the President Obama was elected and the ACA passed, from death panels to millions of jobs lost to an explosion of the national debt. Even though none of those things happened, the rwnj’s cannot allow themselves to believe the facts because they are so invested in the lies. Their only recourse is to refute the facts and continue their dire predictions. Of course President O is a secret Muslim as is anyone who doesn’t agree with them, and all Muslims are terrorists. Makes perfect sense to them.

  9. @Ralph Wiggam
    ACTUALLY, I wish someone would duck tape their left hands together, arm each one with a Smatchet and let one finally settle this “dispute”.

  10. daChipster says:

    In every article I’ve read about this lately, no one traces the rumor back to its source, which is that during the Iraq War, amidst America losing its collective head over anything Muslim, Grover found love with Samah Alrayyes, a Muslim, and married her. They have two adopted daughters, one from Bethlehem.

    So, clearly, the Grover household is merely an American Methodist’s nest co-opted for the anti-Christ’s cuckoo’s egg. Anyway…

    Marrying one of America’s “enemies” has made Grover suspect among the purifying puritanical tea-partisans, aka rightwing nutjobs, and they absolutely positively must purge their ranks in anticipation of…. of what?

    Of a far bigger purge, should they ever get the opportunity, which we must all fight body and soul against, but also…

    Huma Abedin. Born Muslim in Kalamazoo, in Michigan, where they have Sharia Law in every borough of Dearborn and god knows where else….

    and also Hillary’s right arm. Lowering this boom on Grover now, or even clearing Grover now, sets up the nutjob narrative on Huma, tarring Hillary with the same conspiratorial brush that they are now slathering over Grover.

    There is nothing more dangerous than a “True Believer.”

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Micr, I still prefer fencing. “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my country. Prepare to die!”

  12. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, so it’s great when they’re at each other’s throats. Add in that in Congress the Repub deficit hawks are wrangling with the war hawks and it’s good to be able to sit back and enjoy the show. Strategically that means that the war hawks may have to give the Dems some domestic increases if they want votes for military increases.

    Now if the Dems would just organize a bit and find some firm principles to adhere (SS and Medicare would be a good place to start, guys) to maybe we’ve got a shot at achieving something.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    So, how does one kill undead wingnuts? Silver bullets or silver rapiers?

  14. e platypus onion says:

    I should have known-silver suppositories to go straight to the brain. Silly me.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr and Ralph, until the current GOP (Geriatric Old Pantloads) die off, don’t expect a return to the manly arts. Actually the entirety of the Republican Party must be dead and buried. Looking at the freshmen in the GOP Congress, they are equally split between the Sen. Blanche DuBois (Reprobate-Ga) and Sen. Cranky McSenile (Rascal-AZ) styles of flinging parasols or loads of overloaded Depends.

  16. @Ralph Wiggam
    Any discussion is enhanced by a random quote from The Princess Bride. Well done!

    I heard such a jokie about McSenile during that election runup, when Psycho Barbie asked him what he was wearing to a certain high dollar GOP fund raiser. McSenile said “Depends.” Psycho said “Depends on what?” Says McSenile “On my @$$ — where else?!”

  17. charles phillips says:

    Oh, boy howdy but I love this thread!

  18. innerlooper says:

    silly e/o can’t eat what isn’t there. Why else would they loom around tryin to eat ours.

  19. Huma Abedin is also married to Anthony Wiener. Yikes. Yes, he’s a Jew. Yes, she’s Hillary’s old body woman.

  20. You people are all sharp today! Love the story and the comments.

  21. Pot smacks kettle. Wonder what that sounds like? A resounding Bong????

  22. daChipster says:

    Not exactly, Maggie. Tea Pots smacking neoKettles sound more like a dull “Dung!”

    Unless it’s Rand Paul (pitching OR catching), then it’s more “bong.”

    Either way, any time you hear the sound, another conservative gets his horns and pointy tail.

  23. Ralph Wiggam says:

    epo, I’ll handle the rapiers and pistols, but you have to apply the suppositories yourself. That’s not my thing. “Not that there is anything wrong with that.”

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ralph Wiggam to save your chastity and e platypus onion’s, a good assault rifle should lodge the silver suppositories from a safe distance. Only fair that a second amendment solution resolve the problem of clown car rejects.

  25. You guys are on a roll! One of the many reasons I love to visit the salon — thanks!

  26. Marcia in CO says:

    Silver suppositories … OMG … LOL Love it!!

    Now if Pot smacks Kettle and it goes “Bong” … holy crap, they must be in a CO pot shop!!

    Such clever comebacks from everyone … I love this place!

  27. @PKM, @EPO, @Ralph Wiggam
    I have seen 12 gauge rounds loaded with a lot of rock salt and a little gravel to deal gently with those “things that go bump in the night” at the house in which I grew up. A 12 gauge shell loaded with suppository material is an interesting idea. A prototype and a test next, if I can manage it.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    Maggie-wingnut pots and kettles are made out of cheap,imported metals and like their words-never ring true. And besides,too still yet,their pots and kettles are lily white in color just because. Mr whitey wingnut pot meet Mr whitey wingnut kettle.(‘murrican exceptionalism,don’cha know)

  29. e platypus onion says:

    I’ve rung hawgs before. Getting a wingnut to bend over and say ah for a suppository can’t be that hard. Just tell them the koch bros want it this way,they’ll fall for that.

  30. Ralph Wiggam says:

    suppositories: “things that go rump in the night”

    Micr, thanks for the set up.

  31. maryelle says:

    Hi, Ho, Silver Suppository!

  32. My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I thank you! Good night, all!!!!!!

  33. e platypus onion says:

    I must add that this has been a most thoroughly enjoyable romp through a Monday as I’ve ever had. Thank you one and all and let us do this again soon.

  34. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    Thanks everyone!

  35. I really do wish that both these psychopaths would use their Obamacare & get treatment.

  36. Re the shrinking to drown the gov in a bathtub….beware, they already have it small enough to fit in your bedroom (but only for women)
