And The Weird Just Keeps On Coming

October 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Our local politics is always the best damn show around.  And I have a doozy today.

Let me bring you up to date:  Bruce Fleming is the GOP nominee for County Commissioner, Pct 1, a seat currently held by a popular Democrat, Richard Morrison.  It was recently discovered that there is solid proof that Flemming voted in two states in the 06, 08, and 10 general elections.  That’s a felony.

Bruce Fleming: Loves to Vote

Fleming was recruited and groomed by former GOP county chair Rick Miller, who is currently running for an unoccupied state representative seat.  Miller appointed Fleming as precinct chair on May 4th, 2010, knowing only that Fleming voted in the 2008 Democratic primary to vote for Hillary like Rush told him to do, not that we expected a felonious serial fraudulent voter to have any respect for the electoral process to begin with.

Miller then awarded Fleming the first ever “Precinct Chair of the Year” award over chairs who had worked much harder for far longer.  Eyes rolled and people couldn’t understand why Miller and Fleming were becoming close enough to share a buttonhole.

Fleming (second from  the left) and Miller (on the far, far, way out there far right) the night the first Precinct Chair of the Year was awarded.

But they were and it became more apparent as to why.  They are thug twins.

I’m gonna share with you something that fell into my hands from two different people.  It is an email exchange between Bruce Fleming and Sharon Roberts, who assumed the duties of county chair once Miller stepped down.  In this exchange, Fleming was upset because a 4th candidate in the GOP primary for county commissioner dropped out, so Fleming wanted to re-draw for positions on the primary ballot because he didn’t get the first slot, something that means “alot” to him.

You’ll understand better if you start at the bottom and read up, but you’ll be tempted to start at the top once you see his first sentence.  But, open the PDF and read it all.  It’s just charmingly horrifying.


Let me be frank with you. I do not “feel slighted” which is a predominately female reaction.
Do not assume you know my reactions or assign me a female response to events.
Whereas women get hurt (slighted), men get angry. I am pissed that the ballot drawing for the commissioner race got screwed up by you.

WARNING:  Momma, do not read this stuff because Fleming is vulgar man and you’ll get angry like, well, a man.  You’ll also get angry like a man because he quotes scripture right along with his vulgarity.

I haven’t heard yet what happened last night but I hope a couple of the women got angry like a man  (you need to remember this term because I am told that it will have even more meaning in a few days) and sat Rick Miller and Bruce Fleming down for what we call in Texas “a come to Jesus meeting.”

I love Texas Republicans.  They are so darn entertaining.  And for the most part they are also whiny ninny babies who stomp their feet and make threats when they don’t get their way.

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0 Comments to “And The Weird Just Keeps On Coming”

  1. How come these guys never go to jail for voter fraud? Why didn’t Mittens? He should be ineligible to run for President, since he voted in two states at once.

  2. Mike in MO says:

    I would almost move to Texas for the joy of voting against this clown, but we have our own three ring circus here to deal with.

  3. Stephanie in Arlington says:

    In Texas you can say anything you want as long as you can back it up with a Bible verse. That way we all know you are a good Christian, no matter how you act.

  4. oh my a whiny, spoiled 2 yr old……can I smack him? I purely can’t stand whiners.

  5. I want to sit him down with a good grammar book and dictionary. He obviously doesn’t proofread his work. The first I hit (reading from the bottom up) was “mailed to troops oversees.” Later, were other problems, like “You are free to mistakes that affect you only…” when he obviously meant “make mistakes.” He’s a troll and has “flamed” a woman who has done nothing to deserve it.

    Thug is right.

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    His behavior conveniently fits that stereotype know by the B word. So if we are going to play the sexist card, he is the biggest B of them lot!

  7. Wow! WATB to the max! Please somebody call the Wahambulance. This is what he wrote after a nearly two day delay. Forget about restraint of of pen, tongue and e-mail and other good Christian practices. Can you only imagine what he would have written without the two day delay. Momma sure would be washing his mouth out with something stronger than soap.

    NOTE FROM JUANITA: I had to go to the urban dictionary to find out what WATB meant. It was worth the trip.

  8. Paul: I had to look it up too. Pretty cool, especially the part of the definition saying “primarily refers to right-wingers…”

  9. Well, this certainly makes my afternoon – prior to listening to UnFitMitt…..I just emailed this to everyone I know in the Tennessee Democratic Headquarters – and to the large county offices right here in Tennessee – I just got a call from one of my friends in Nashville who is at HQ – she could hardly talk she was laughing so hard. We only have the BabyDaddySexualHarrassingMD ScottyBagger DeJarlis and that twit who won the primary due to a massive FAIL on the part of the Party which insures Bob “Check Into Cash” Corker will undoubtedly remain in the US Senate. They really NEEDED TO LAUGH.

  10. daChipster says:

    All this happened back in March, do we know how the names eventually appeared on the ballot, and what the results were?

    This part was funny: “You could have called Baldwin before the ballot drawing to inquire about his withdrawl…”

    My buddy “Fryer” Tuck says in Texas, the only way you could get elected was withdrawl. It’s kind of a steep climb for someone withoutdrawl.

    For those who are not familiar with the issue at hand, there is a general belief that being listed as first on the ballot confers a significant advantage for candidates in primaries or non-partisan races, especially where there are more than two choices. In a long list of contenders, LAST is actually the next best spot.

    The theory is that the attention of low-information voters who feel compelled to vote in EVERY race will subconsciously flow to one of those two spots.

    Interestingly, in the Chicago area, at least, it is also received wisdom that low information voters will choose IRISH-sounding names over others, especially non-Anglo names.

    This may all be urban legend, but some studies have shown the ballot order effect to exist, while others disparage it.

    From my semi-professional point of view it is real, and in local races without a lot of advertising it can account for 3 to 5 percentage points, but it can usually be overcome with just a MODICUM of effort.

  11. Susan,
    Please at least block out Sharon’s email address cause that’s the one she still uses and believe me there are some not so nice folks out there who could still give her some grief. Thanks for taking care of this ASAP. Pat

  12. Juanita Jean says:

    Thanks for letting me know. I wi fix it first thing when I get home.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, I thought only dead people got to vote twice. Been downwind of this guy lately?

  14. I feel like getting angry like a man and pissing on him.

  15. Laura Knox says:

    I”m a California Democrat supporting Barbara Lee and Obama. Romney enables me to get angry like a man because of his lies!

  16. Is the .pdf still anywhere? Because I’m not seeing it, but that could be a brain fail on my part.

  17. Juanita Jean says:

    Lynne, I am working hard on getting it back up. I’m trying to get a email address taken off it. I’ll work on it some more this afternoon.

  18. One way of doing it: I don’t know if you have Adobe Acrobat Pro rather than just reader, but if you do, then export the PDF document to TIFF format, black out the emails in an image editor, then re-import the TIFF to PDF. By reimporting TIFF to PDF you should make it so that the blacked-out bit cannot be lifted or the text re-imaged.

  19. Juanita Jean says:

    Thanks Lynne, I was at the Democratic Headquarters here all day and have to back tomorrow until late afternoon. However, I can play on my website Saturday night and Sunday!

  20. Hey, no problem; SOMEBODY’s got to do the Real Life things instead of just faffing around on the internet all day. 🙂

  21. Daphne Blake says:

    Can you please email me that email between Sharon Roberts & Bruce Fleming? I would really like to email it out to as many people as I know, so they can see exactly what type of person this is! I would also like to drop off a copy to all of the business owners who still so proudly display his sign. I wish The Star would print a copy of it in their paper, so all of the Republican women who read it can see what he had to say about women. I hope if he ever gets charged, he has to go before a Democrat-woman judge……I will make sure she gets a copy to! Charged in Fort Bend is highly unlikely…….but one can wish!
