And The Wacky Just Keeps on Coming

December 04, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Congressgoofy Lamar Smith from Texas.  He’s a tad nuts.

lamarsmith1He’s also living proof that politics is show business for ugly people.  Bless his heart, he has a strong resemblance to a kangaroo rat.  And about the same intelligence, too.

Growing weary of looking for illegal aliens, his term for undocumented workers, Lamar has decided to find them in outer space and probably kill them before they kill us.  I’m serious as a heart attack, folks.

Lamar doesn’t believe in climate change and if the petrochemical industry paid you half a million dollars, you wouldn’t either.  He heads the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.  He doesn’t believe in any of those things, but if he had to pick one to believe in, it would be space.

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), who has been openly skeptical regarding global climate change, will use one of the House’s seven remaining workdays this year to chair a hearing regarding the possible existence of life outside of Earth.

The hearing’s charter states that, “With the discovery of potential Earth-like planets outside of our Solar System, the hearing will also investigate what methods are being used to determine if any of these planets may harbor life. The hearing will explore existing and planned astrobiology research strategies and roadmaps.”

Now, here’s what I betcha.  I betcha ten dollars crisp cash American money that Ole Lamar doesn’t give a hoot about space science.  He’s just looking for something new to use to produce fear and hate.  He’s just looking for an excuse to kill ET.

Or, in the alternative, maybe he’s looking for a new place to live since he and his petrochemical buddies wrecked this one.

Thanks to Kyle and The Shops for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And The Wacky Just Keeps on Coming”

  1. W. C. Peterson says:

    Suppose he holds a hearing and nobody shows up. Does he have subpoena powers to force someone to take part in his goofy charade?

  2. Marcia in CO says:

    OMG … you just gave me my 2nd good laugh this snowy morning!
    I beg to differ with you on the comparison [in looks] to a little kangaroo rat … those little critters are just downright cute … Lamar Smith on the other hand looks … well, honey, he just looks damned simple!!

  3. The House Committee on Science, Space and Technology consist of all Republicans who do not believe in global warming, evolution or any other accepted scientific facts. Who better to decide what’s going on “out there”?
    Another colossal waste of time and taxes!

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    First, has he ever heard of Arecibo? SETI/METI? Cornell? The WOW signal?

    Yea, thought not.

    Can’t we just lock him in his office with the History channel on? Or the Sci-Fi channel? Or heck, let’s just confuse him by making him watch all the boobs on Bravo’s Real Housewives. We’ll tell him they’re alien recording devices.

    Good Grief.

  5. Wa Skeptic says:

    Actually, if there was a bus off the planet it would be filled with the petrochemical boys and his name wouldn’t be on the list.

  6. We’ll know how serious they are by the amount they try to give NASA, who is already busily cataloging other solar systems.

    Anyone care to place bets? $10 billion? $1 billion. $10 million? $19.95?

  7. After the Republican government shutdown, the Republican failure to vote down Affordable Care some 40+ times, their failure to win the 2012 presidential election, etc., maybe Lamar realized there are no signs of intelligent life amongst Republicans here on Earth, so he’s using his power on the Science, Space & Tech Committee to search the skies for Space Republicans with some fresh new ideas.

  8. They will need to establish to establish alien outreach programs. For example, how best to establish a market for Texas approved science books, determining how best to create a market for coal and oil, how best to ban alien contraception, etc.

  9. “He’s also living proof that politics is show business for ugly people. Bless his heart, he has a strong resemblance to a kangaroo rat. And about the same intelligence, too.”

    AAHHH! Come on what has the cute little-smart enough to survive a harsh environment Kangaroo rat done to you to insult it this bad with such a comparison?

  10. I see.
    The same republicans who didn’t think we need advance warnings about tornado’s thinks we need advance warnings about ET?

    I’m sure there is a nice juicy contract for somebody(republican) somewhere in all of this.

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    I bet any invasion by any form of ETs would be far better in Congress then the current bunch of sea slugs we have!!

  12. TexasEllen says:

    Lamar Smith bears a closer resemblance to a possum than any other marsupial.

  13. daChipster says:

    Beam me up, Scotty, and set phasers for “scorch.” There’s no intelligent life down here.

    -James T. Kirk visits Congress

  14. It testifies to Smith’s Congressional performance that he is now the chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, where last year he chaired the House Judiciary Committee. It scarcely qualifies as a step upward in the Republican House leadership hierarchy.

    The bug in his ear for a long time has been “illegal aliens” – but apparently he wants to broaden his scope to include extraterrestrial aliens. He could short-cut his upcoming wasteful committee hearings by sitting down a couple evenings to watch some old Hollywood B movies about invaders from outer space. That would tell him all he needs to know or is capable of absorbing intellectually.

  15. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    My bet is that he just wants to waste a day to avoid discussing what the National Academies of Science just concluded regarding potentially abrupt changes in the climate arena. Each additional pound of CO2 causes even more damage than the one before it did.

  16. JJ, with all due respect….. there is nothing a “tad” about how nuts this guy is. (Pardon the sentence structure).

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Rethuglicans watch Fake Noise exclusively because it is the home of wardrobe malfunction/bimbo eruption. You tube is full of Fake Noise wardrobe malfunctions. Most appear to be pretty obvious and intentional to draw in mouth breathing,knuckle draggers to watch.

  18. The only space Lamar should be concerned with is in his head. I can hear the echo from here!

  19. Corinne Sabo says:

    Since he has been living in Maine since elected, how does he think to represent Texas? I should have stopped at ‘how does he think’.

  20. If the boy believes not in “Science, Space, and Technology” how could his little brain conceive of ET?

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Nobody’s mentioned Carl Sagan yet. Lamar Smith oughta read up on Sagan, whom I believe said that our universe may possibly have some small life forms, like amoebas, but other universes have a better chance of having sentient beings. I’m just trying to impress you by talking about research I helped our grandson do on a science fair project about “is there life in outer space” or something like that.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    I meant, our universe might have microscopic life forms ON OTHER PLANETS. I’m not debating Congress here.

  23. Julia Bosco says:

    I guess my elected-by-some-fool-but-certainly-not-by-me Rep Smith didn’t have anything else to have hearings about, what with the economy so strong, the unemployment rate so low, the minimum wage creeping upward, immigration solved, spousal benefits available to all at the bases on which they serve, and voting conducted online. Let him play with his little green men. Maybe they’ll give him some of the toys they’ve been making for Santa to deliver to rubber room he’s moving into from Maine.

  24. That someone who doesn’t accept the fact of climate change is the head of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology tells you all you need to know about the GOP. I’m surprised to learn that he “believes in” space. Say it now and say it loud– I’m ignorant and I’m proud!
