And The Tide is Turning

October 21, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please take the time to watch this and know that the tide is turning in Texas.

This is just the first one to bail.


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0 Comments to “And The Tide is Turning”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    ’bout time.

  2. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Awesome video! Good for the man.

    Just curious – is he running against someone who already was a Democrat?

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Let’s put together a sparkly & shiny WMDBS gift basket to send to Cuban-Canadian Cruz. Some fruit, whine & cheeze, tea bags, hair loss filler spray or grease-free hair gel, a gift cert to remove his nose from the Koch Brothers arses and a one way ticket to Somalia.

    Maybe after dinner Truman can add something to it as well.

  4. Really powerful, I think he’ll get the Democratic votes he needs.

    Good question Marion, the area he is running in is “County Court At Law Eleven” just might be a designator and I am sure JJ would know via Bubba. Also, here’s a web page for him .

  5. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I would hope to see others but the Republicans have been so gutless about standing up to the money that funds the D-bagger crowd that I’m not going to hold my breath. (Although if I did, I would turn blue in the face — maybe we could get Teddie Cruz to try that.)

  6. A breath of sanity . . . .

  7. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Bexar County is the county that San Antonio fills up. (Really, almost the whole county.) There are 15 county courts that hears cases (because of the population size.) If you are arrested it is pot luck as to which of the 15 courts your case will be assigned.

    aaaaaaaa….. a friend told me this… yea, a friend…

  8. Mark Johnson says:

    Yeah, the tide is turning. And the rats are starting to abandon a sinking ship.

    But let’s not pretend that these rats are new found loyal friends.

    Judge Key ran as a Republican for a reason and he is only changing parties because he thinks it is his best chance of remaining in his black robes.

    Whoo-hoo and all … but with friends like these …

  9. Esther Womack says:

    This is a good surprise. If you want a bad one, check out Barry Smitherman who is running for AG. He’s preparing Texas to secede, although he doesn’t use that word.

  10. Mark, I don’t see it that way at all. I was very impressed. That took guts.

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’m with Mark. I’m glad he changed parties, but nobody trusts a turncoat. The Republicans carry a grudge for a long time, and the Democrats will always wonder if he will revert when the wind changes.

  12. TexasEllen says:

    Key has crossed the Rubicon. The Republicans will never forgive him. He didn’t decide to run as an independent, which passes for a half way house for many, but as a Democrat.

  13. yeah, he’s toast. which is a damn shame.

  14. Mark Johnson says:

    Sorry Lynne, but no guts.

    And no glory.

    It isn’t as if the Republican party suddenly … out of the amazing blue … turned into this hateful, racist, homophobic, classist, misogynist entity. Ummmm, they been like that for ummmmm, fu**ing ever. Southern Strategy much?

    The only reason that this tool has switched parties is because his polling consultants are telling him it might be the best option to keep his robe and gavel.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad that public opinion is shifting. But I have no interest in turncoats or fair-weather officials.

    I want to support and elect true progressives.

    I want to turn Texas BLUE.

  15. What an incredible video!
    He is articulate and the only thing the T’ baggers will scream about is abortion and gay marriage.
    They have nothing else against a guy like this.

    I was explaining to someone last week why I left the Catholic church and used a lot of the same words. The church left me and I am tired of their ignorance and intolerance against women and gays. Plus a lot more.
    What a superb video. Another Texan to donate to!

  16. Braxton Braggart says:

    Contrast this with those in the Lege who ran and won as Dems in November 2010, and before the session began in January 2011, discovered that their deep and unwavering principles demanded that they switch their affiliation to the GOP.

    Sometimes people genuinely feel obligated to change their affiliation. This is how it’s done.

  17. Thanks for sharing, Zyxomma!

  18. Three huge cheers for Carlo Key! He comes across as thoughtful and intelligent. I certainly will not put him down for changing parties, because I did the same thing, as a voter, when the Republicans started shifting from moderate stances to extreme right-wing screaming idiocy. And he had the grace to announce well ahead of the next election. I wish I lived in San Antonio so I could vote for him.

  19. Uncle Dave says:

    Judges should not be elected in partisan elections as they are in Texas. This is particularly true in metropolitan counties with many judicial races. For instance, in Bexar County there are a dozen county court at law judges and twenty-six district judges, all of whom run county wide. Roughly half of those judges face re-election every other year. In addition, voters in Bexar County also vote in the election of the nine justices on the Texas Supreme Court, the nine judges on the Texas Court of Appeals and the seven justices on the Fourth Court of Appeals. A similar situation occurs in Harris, Dallas, Travis and Tarrrant Counties. And in many Texas counties judicial candidates swell an already lengthy ballot because in Texas we elect almost everyone but the dog catcher. The consequence is voters are overwhelmed by the number of races on the ballot and, in desperation, pull one lever either Democratic or Republican. And while I applaud pulling the Democratic lever, for the most part, where the ballot is so long it leads to the election of incompetents and scoundrels. Two cases in point: in the 1994 general election Tarrant County (Fort Worth) went from being a Democratic County to being a Republican County and voters fired competent judges and replaced them with unknowns based on party affiliation, solely. The opposite result happened in Dallas County only a few years ago, and, while I am proud to see the good folks in Dallas vote Democratic, in the process they fired some judges who were competent and fair while electing a county court at law judge who is a Democrat, but one who is mean, stupid, and not competent to clean the courthouse restrooms.

  20. I don’t think its true that “no one trusts a turncoat.” And that was a very, very, carefully and beautifully crafted ad which, as someone said upthread, burned his bridges with the Republican party. From the image of the scientists with the voice over about “facts and evidence” to the straight up avowal that respect for people of other races and gender preference was A VALUE, a principle, not something to run away from he hit every basic point. If you know the guy is a creep and you have some evidence that his rulings have been bad then thats definitely a reason to vote against him. But if people like this aren’t going to turn back to the Democratic party in Texas then it will be a long time before Texas goes blue. You need people to look at lots of role models, up and down the political hierarchy, and see “Dem” as just the most natural thing to see after their name.

  21. Carlo’s court is where you go for misdemeanors, like first or second dwi, theft under $1500, etc. He actually is a decent judge, even as a rino. I can’t fault him too much for running as a repub. For most judges in Bexar county, party choice is a convenience to get elected. That’s not always all bad,cause some of the judges who run as Repubs are nonpartisan and turn out fine. Sid Harle and Angus McGinty are two fine judges who are Repubs. So the point is I can’t look into his heart and tell you his motives, but having been in his court many times I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I have never seen him rude, impatient, or self-important. I don’t know if he will win the primary, but if he does and runs against Julie Wright, I’ll be putting up signs for him.

    Julie Wright, the presumptive Repub nominee, posted on her facebook page that she enjoyed a lunch hosted by Donna Campbell. Need I say more? The guy decided he would rather switch parties than have lunch with Donna Campbell. Can you blame him?

  22. Uncle Dave is correct; judges should not be chosen based on party affiliation. They also should not be elected based upon their last name. One big problem is that it is very difficult to get much information about the judge candidates.

  23. Wa Skeptic says:

    I’m afraid I have to agree with @16; too convenient him to claim repugnance with Republicans now.

  24. Whether or not this guy is being pragmatic, he comes across as sincere. Hope this video goes viral. It can only help for people to hear this message.

  25. Headline on today:

    CNN Poll: 75% say most Republicans in Congress don’t deserve re-election

  26. Aggieland liz says:

    Hi Diane, way OT, but tune into papa Francis now and then -he is like a fresh breeze blowing through those stale old Vatican halls! And then recall that people can (and do!) screw anything and everything up, especially if they think there is something in it for them here and now. Maybe we can kick Dolan out as head of the USCCB and get someone in there that remembers that the poor and the outcast are the people we need to serve, and that the ACA is a real good way to get fundamental health care to working people and as such the Church needs to be CHAMPIONING it and PROMOTING it not worrying about whether someone might get an abortion they don’t approve of! Growl.

  27. I’m forwarding this to my congressman, Ted Poe. I believe that there is some real and honest values in Ted that have not surfaces yet. As for Judge Carlo, I’m sending him a contribution.

  28. TexasLawyer says:

    This guy just figured out now that the Republicans trade in hate and fear? Heck, the birthers have been running around smearing Obama for 5 years now. And I just saw that today is the 25th Anniversary of the Willie Horton ad.

    As for taking the partisanship out of judicial races, how’s any member of the public supposed to decide who to vote for? Heck, most lawyers don’t know the judges in areas of law outside of their own practice. Other states have appointed judges with retention elections. Rick Perry already appoints too many judges to fill mid term vacancies as it is.

  29. UmptyDump says:

    What will give Key’s announcement a lot more mileage is the rage that it’s sure to provoke amongst the Tea Party rednecks who are given to rage and displays of disrespect for people with differing beliefs. The man has opened himself to vicious attacks by the psychotic wing of the Republicans, but he has seized the high moral ground – a good place to make his stand. He can expect rough times ahead, but I hope he will persevere. Applaud this man for his courage in the face of certain vilification.

  30. Conqueroo says:

    Good for Key, but Teresa Huntziger, also Bexar County, switched parties a few days before him.

  31. So where’s her ad?

    Good for Key, but Teresa Huntziger, also Bexar County, switched parties a few days before him

  32. So If your only looking for “Pure Blood” BlueBloods to turn Texas Blue, then prepare for the statis Quo. This is a brave thing this man is doing, and it;s gonna require a lot more folks Switching parties in order to get the votes to turn Texas Blue.
    If you had the Votes already, Texas wouldn’t be in the mess we are in. AS tempting as it is, we can’t become Teabaggers in Blue shorts. In our party we allow for growth, Value’s expanding and positions to be modified as education, belief systems and intelligence continue to expand and grow….I suspect you are going to find a lot of elected officials who are RINO’s because for the last 15-20 years or so, that was the only way to get elected…. This Commercial made me cry – Literally. It is only through folks like this Coming out that Texas will ever change, they are the ones who have to stand up to the Fascists, if we had been able to do it without them, it would have been done before Gov Goodhair…. Just sayin, posted Commercial on FB, hoping for Viral status – he’s gonna need all the support/PRotection he can get

  33. Conqueroo says:

    Spelled her name wrong, should be Huntzinger, and she’s announced that she’s running for DA as a Democrat, so I guess ads will follow, in San Antonio at least. The voting map of SA is a sight to see, solid blue blue inside the loop, solid red outside.

  34. Conqueroo says:

    Huntzinger is running for DA as a Democrat, so I guess ads will follow, in San Antonio at least. The voting map of SA is a sight to see, solid blue blue inside the loop, solid red outside.

  35. Conqueroo says:

    Whoops, sorry about that.

  36. In England, if I recall, judges have to go to a judge school and essentially graduate in judgeship. I think that a 2-tier degree program entailing a associate degree for small claims and perhaps magistrates and a bs equivalent for district level on up and fed courts.
    It has to be designed to minimize politicing over the long haul.

  37. m in el paso says:

    Dear JJ — Thanks for posting this very moving video. Wow! Let’s hope many follow his lead.

  38. Blue Wolf Bosh says:

    My only question is, “What took you so long?”

  39. OK. Now I’m wondering if there shouldn’t be a Twelve Step program for folks who want to quit Rethugism. Maybe if there was, and it was, of course, anonymous, there might be a sudden tidal wave of ex-Rethugs.

  40. This judge will not let the Po-Lice do the HNG two-step in his court room, and that galls the Po-Lice and it especially galls the DA, Susan Reed (was she drunk when she cracked up her mo-ped in Hawaii and got that head injury?) who has launched one of her own, Julie Wright, prosecutor and SAPD wife, to torpedo him in the Republican primary for his privileged stance on junk science. And don’t get me started: junk science should never make an insurance company pay money, but it is always fine to lock up criminals. Money or liberty? What hath greater value? But I digress…

    I wish more than most that the scales had fallen from his eyes and he Saw the Light, but I smell opportunism/self protection here. It is gawd-awful hard to make an honest living as a shit-poke, stand up for the little guy trial lawyer these days, and maybe he has kids to put through college.

    Just sayin’…

  41. Deacon Blue says:

    Help! The Lone Ranger’s mask has slipped! Last blast of wisdom should be attributed to Deacon Blue, a nod to Steely Dan’s Aja album.

  42. This video has gone viral! As a post script, the Republican Party in Utah has decided they have had more than enough of the recently elected Senator Mike Lee and are ginning up to primary him with a pro-business candidate. I kinda think that “pro-business” translates as “not a Dominionist ass”. It looks as if – IMHO – that the Mormons are totally offended by Carnaval Cruz.
