And The Only Reason I Don’t Shoot My Neighbor is Because I Am Out of Bullets

April 12, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Holy crap.

Being pretty sure that they are gonna get beat so badly this November that their grandchildren will be born still shaking, Republicans have a Plan B.  Impeachment.

I mean, hellfire, it worked so well with Bill Clinton – millions of dollars down the tube and Clinton leaving office more popular than ever.  Let’s do that again.

Why hasn’t Congress impeached President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder? Rep. Todd Akin says it’s simply a lack of votes. But he says that may change eventually.

“That’s a good question,” Akin told a constituent on Tuesday who asked just that. “I can’t speak for the other 400 and some congressmen, but I believe when they take a look at impeachment the question is do you have the votes to do it and, if you do it, it goes to the Senate, what’s going to happen with Harry Reid?”

Now the fact that President Obama has not committed an impeachable act does not appear to enter into this equation.  They can impeach him because they don’t like him.

Todd Akin: He has Guns

Yeah, Todd ain’t through talking yet.

“He is a complete menace to our civilization,” he said. “The question is what’s the best way to get rid of him, I think probably at the ballot box next election, we need to get that done.”

Hey, on the upside, at least the guy is willing to wait until December to start impeachment proceedings.

Y’all probably remember Akin as the guy who said that “at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God.”  He’s also running in the GOP primary to take on Claire McCaskill in November.  He wants to be in the Senate to beat Harry Reid’s votes against impeachment.

Thanks to Anthony for the heads-up.

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