And the Irony Caused Whiplash

October 01, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Climate

File under “The Irony Causes Whiplash”, former CEO of now bankrupt Murray Energy Company, has filed for federal black lung benefits.  You’ll remember Bob Murray, the guy who presided over the Crandall Mine disaster that killed 9 in 2007, and then denied responsibility for it.  He’s also the litigious Trumpist who threatens to sue anyone who tells the truth publicly about him.  He unsuccessfully sued John Oliver for slander after Oliver truthfully reported on Murray’s lies, earning Oliver’s spectacular “Eat Shit, Bob” response last year.  For those who haven’t seen it, here it is in all of its profanity laced glory.

Murray, who is a life long climate change and science denier, lied for years that unprotected coal mining didn’t cause black lung when it’s an irrefutable fact that it does.  So here we have Ol’ Eat Shit, Bob himself, filing for federal black lung benefits for a disease he claims doesn’t exist.

My neck hurts.

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