And The Fire Marshall Didn’t Shut It Down Because Stockman is Hot

November 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, in the ever expanding list of Texas blubbering idiots that we amusingly call congressvarmints, Steve Stockman is a whole sub genus of his own.

He was in congress once before but got defeated because he was nuts.  Seriously.  Did crazy crap.  Then along comes the Tea Party and suddenly Stockman, who has been homeless a few times, finds his home.

premium_article_portraitBut even though he now gets a paycheck and mostly lays low, but sometimes not, things are not going well.   The Houston Fire Marshall shut down his campaign headquarters / motorcycle shop / flophouse.

The headquarters had been housed since early 2012 in a former motorcycle shop along the Gulf Freeway. Campaign staffers and volunteers had been both working and sleeping there, even though the commercial building was considered unsafe for human habitation, according to Webster city records and an interview with assistant fire marshal Warren Chappell.

It appeared that 6 to 8 people were both living and working there.  His campaign finance reports show he bought “bedding at WalMart for volunteers” in February of 2012.

Steve_Stockman_official_portraitHis campaign is $100,000 in debt.  He fired his campaign treasurer and never replaced him, which of course means he can’t raise money.  However, last week he had a $1,000 a plate fundraiser in DeeCee with special guest Eric Cantor.  I’ll give you two to one odds that Stockman introduces a bill to abolish the FEC.

So while Stockman racks up debt living high on the hog at $1,000 a plate dinners, his staff is living in a flophouse that is a fire hazard.  With WalMart bedding.

Yep.  The NRA endorsed Stave Stockman.  Whadda guy.





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