And The Dead Give Away Was … The Spelling.

December 17, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, investigators are looking into an email that Mark Meadows received the day after the election from a source they aren’t revealing.  However the text itself may have some clues as to who wrote it.

The text message reads:

“HERE’s an AGRESSIVE (sic) STRATEGY: Why can t (sic) the states of GA NC PENN and other R controlled state houses declare this is BS (where conflicts and election not called that night) and just send their own electors to vote and have it go to the SCOTUS.”

Golly, Bubba, who could have written that?  Gee wiz, cowboy.  Who would want to destroy democracy?

Boston College professor and historian Heather Cox Richardson found the text striking in that its author “wanted Republican-dominated state legislatures not even to wait to see who had won the election—none of those states had been called by November 4—but simply to ignore the will of the voters, choose their own electors, and hope that the Supreme Court would hand the election to Trump as he had been saying for weeks it would.”

The text came from a telephone registered to James Richard Perry. Yep, that’s Governor Oops’ full name.  It was also registered to the Department of Energy when Perry was there.

Hummmm … think it was the spelling?


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0 Comments to “And The Dead Give Away Was … The Spelling.”

  1. Yes, when there are “Republican-dominated state legislatures” why bother with voters? Go direct to the manufacturer and get the most cut-rate government money can buy.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I wish something would come out of all the revelations that are making news from the Jan 6 investigation, but I’m afraid it’s all wishful thinking that anyone in the trumpf orbit, including himself, will ever be held accountable in any meaningful way. In almost any other era, all this would have been treason, but today it’s just campaign fodder.

  3. Well, those glasses were only meant o make him LOOK like and intellectual and nothing more.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    WaPo had a great article the other day that, according to metrics our State Department uses to assess democracies, we in the US are no longer a democracy. We laugh at how stupid Perry et al are, but they are just as dangerous and insidious as the COVID virus.
