And The Crazier She Gets …
You know how when Pinocchio told a lie, his nose grew? Well, something akin to that is happening with Governor Jan Brewer. The crazier she gets, the bigger her hair grows.
I fear that one day soon she will become a large bleach blonde version of a hot air balloon and become Arizona’s entry into the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Okay, I’m lying. I do not fear that. I look forward to it like a kid at Christmas.
Here’s her latest tumble into the world of having loco camped out in her eyeballs.
Arizona cities and counties that hold community gun buyback events will have to sell the surrendered weapons instead of destroying them under a bill Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law Monday.
She argued that destroying these guns wastes taxpayers dollars. But, crime scene investigations are cheap? Plus, the people who surrendered their guns wanted them destroyed to keep them out of the hands of children, bad guys and Arizona Governors.
Brewer also signed a law barring “cities, towns and counties from collecting or maintaining any identifying information about a person who owns or sells a firearm.”
I think the next one is requiring that all legally blind people must carry a firearm at all times.
Thanks to Sam and Julie for the heads up.