And The Crazier He Gets …

April 30, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans created Ted Cruz, knew he was a snake, and are now acting all shocked that he’s biting them with venom strong enough to jump start a nuclear submarine.

Take Romney hack Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post today.  She calls him a jerk for his narcissistic attack on his fellow Republicans, recounting how he baffled them all with one simple word:  squishes.

Ted Cruz is the only person I know who can strut sitting down.

Rubin says Cruz shows a lack of maturity and sophistication.   No shoot, Sherlock.  And those are his good qualities.

She continues —

For starters, it’s just not smart to annoy colleagues whose cooperation and support you’ll need in the future. Second, as a conservative he should understand humility and grace are not incompatible with “standing on principle”; the absence of these qualities doesn’t make him more principled or more effective. Third, for a guy who lacks manners (see his condescending questioning of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) he comes across as whiny. They yelled at me! Boo hoo, senator.

I’d like to say one thing to Rubin, the Republican political hack:  you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.  He’s yours.  You built him, Dr. Frankenstein.

Ted Cruz wants to be Mr. Republican.  That’s fine with me.  He doesn’t care whose ox he gores, just so long he draws blood and gets credit for it.  That’s why he’s a Republican.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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