And That’s Why We’re Texas, Dammit!

March 29, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Republican National Convention will not allow people to exercise their Second Bygawd Amendment Rights.  They are using the flimsy excuse that “the secret service won’t allow it.”

So, here’s the solution.  The candidates need to agree to forego secret service protection inside the convention arena.  After all, the more guns there are, the safer they are, right?  I mean, isn’t that what Republicans are always saying?  Hell, if everybody comes armed, that should be the safest place on earth … well, except for a war zone which is terribly safe since everybody is armed and fighting there, too.

Texas Republicans say screw the sorry butt secret service.

On the same day the Secret Service announced that guns will not be allowed at the national GOP convention, the Republican Party of Texas announced the carrying of handguns at the state convention by licensed gun owners will be allowed.

If Dallas turns into a war zone … oops, sorry, I drifted off there.  Just wishful thinking, I guess.

Thanks to Mustang Sally for the heads up.

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