And That’s Why They Call Him Dick

July 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Is it irony or is it insanity?  Sometimes it’s real hard to tell.

imagesFormer Vice President Dick Cheney, who apparently had a Chatty Cathy doll installed with his new heart, has made it very clear that Barack Obama is the worst president ever.   Okay, so he didn’t say “ever.”  He said “in my lifetime,” which is fundamentally ever.  Cheney will say that to anyone with earlobes.

Not so fast, Dick.

The History News Network conducted an informal poll on Thursday asking American historians from the nation’s top research universities and liberal arts colleges to grade the presidency of George W. Bush on an A-F scale, based on fourteen different metrics, ranging from foreign policy to the economy to transparency and accountability.

Wanna know how ole W did?

Sixty-four historians responded. Thirty-five — over half — rated his presidency an outright failure.

“Thank you, God, for this opportunity,” one professor, a faculty member at one of the service academies, wrote in a comment. “He was not qualified to be president and it showed for eight long years.”

You can read more here and see how historians think the same thing you do.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And That’s Why They Call Him Dick”

  1. Or as I was told by some very sage guy (I never knew how he held it together), Bushlet failed upwards. Had no idea till then that fail could rise.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Cheney is the undead,his lifetime has been forever(so it seems). This tool stole all he could ever want. Why won’t he just shut up and die like a good little maroon? Maybe making people hate him keeps him alive.

  3. Clearly Cheney has different standards for measuring “success” than other people do.

    So did Darth Vader.

    But I repeat myself.

  4. And Cheyney thinks Obama screwed up Iraq.

    I can’t even come up with a comment on that. As Molly Ivins said about trying to say something funny about the news coming in on the ticker, “Some days it’s just rip and read.”

  5. Hang on– they gave Dubya only a D- for “Ability to learn from his mistakes”? Tell me one time he learned from one of his multitudinous mistakes and doesn’t deserve an F. He “stayed the course” right off quite a few cliffs, dragging us along with him.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Worst. Vice. President. Ever.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    Remember that Cheney was one of the prime motivators of the administration that thought it could “make our own reality around here”. He still thinks that certainty makes truth, or fakes that he thinks it. I’m more inclined to believe the latter.

  8. @Maggie: Re ‘rising to the top’:
    Mamma may not mention them but we all know what floats.

  9. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Cheney: trial, conviction, long tight rope.

  10. Teh Gerg says:

    @Sam: life sentence, served in a prison in Iraq.

  11. not stupid says:

    Both were never elected by the people of the United States.
    SCOTUS gave him Florida.
    4 years later Kerry gave up to quick. it was recount later and baby bush had really lost.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Ari Fleischer’s first press conference he said they would be disseminating false info to the press. Apparently that was an everyday occurrence-then and now.

  13. maryelle says:

    Self delusion was, and still is, a key characteristic of the Bush administration.
    After all the death and destruction, they still think we believe them. When I look at Cheney’s cold eyes, I think of Hitler. He’s still trying to establish the Reichstag. Why isn’t this war criminal in prison?????????????????

  14. One of the comments floating around is that he invaded Iraq to vindicate his dad. Does dad feel vindicated?

  15. A guy in a pub in Wales, in January 2001, commented me to me that he and his mates thought Bush was a puppet and what did I (the American tourist) think? I said yeah, and the people running him are really nasty, and he’s too dumb to see it.

    (What was I doing in Wales in January? An errand for a friend who died in November, whose background was Welsh. It involved climbing a mountain on a damn cold day to bury something for her.)

  16. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Of course, according to Dick, the Bush years would have been an even more dismal failure were it not for Dick. Which means from his point of view they were “like totally successful, y’know”?

  17. A solid argument can be made that Dick Cheney is the worst President in our lifetime.

  18. OK…..Imagine it’s 2006 and Bill Clinton or Al Gore went on television and said the exact same thing cheney said about gwb. The republicans and most of the media would lose their minds because in a time of war no criricism is allowed for a sitting President, unless of course you are a mixed race Democrat then it’s all cool I guess. bush and cheney along with many others should at the very least never speak in public again and the top 5 or six should already be in jail!
